
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Staff Cuts Dominate Budget

Norwalk parents and the Board of Education have some homework over the holiday break, courtesy of Schools Superintendent Susan Marks. On Wednesday, Marks released her recommended budget for the 2011-12 school year. It is available for download on the district's website.

The proposed $155.3 million budget reflects a 3.3 percent increase over this year's budget. At a news conference at her City Hall office, Marks told reporters that to maintain the same level of staffing and programs, she would have needed an increase of 6 percent. Consequently, the school board will have to make $4 million in cuts to balance the books.

Marks said more money is needed to cover salaries, employee health benefits and resources to support special education. "In order to send the Board of Education a budget that is fiscally responsible, this budget represents staff and program reductions at all levels of the school system: elementary, middle and high school as well as the central office," said Marks.

Most of the cuts would be in staffing. Below is a list of proposed staffing cuts from pages 8-9 of her budget book.

• High school staff cuts: One Housemaster at each high school, one security position at each high school, one Brien McMahon librarian, one school-to-career staff member at each high school.

• Middle school staffing reductions: One assistant principal at Ponus and West Rocks, 0.5 guidance counselor at Ponus and West Rocks, 0.5 guitar teacher at Ponus and West Rocks.

• Elementary school staff reductions: Two assistant principals (schools not yet determined), all Grade 1 instructional aides, intervention aides, three Columbus aides, one strings teacher (strings to start in Grade 4).

• Central office cuts: IT staff developer, full-time IT specialist becomes part time, 1.5 literacy coaches, two numeracy coaches, four reserve teachers for increased enrollment.

The budget also would cut the co-op swimming and hockey teams, as well as $20,000 from each of the high school bands.

Marks, who moved from Montgomery County, Md., to Norwalk in July, said, "I came to Norwalk to bring what I learned from my experience in a diverse school district. I came to raise the rigor and put in place programs. I'm disappointed. These are very difficult times," she said.

"As the economic situation improves, Norwalk must consider reinvesting considerably in our school system in order for our students to be competitive in the 21st century and ready for college," she wrote in the budget's introduction.

However, Marks said she was pleased the budget was created collaboratively, with input from union leaders, central office administrators and parents. "We are beginning to establish some good processes here." She also said the committee worked to make the budget document easily understandable for parents and community members.

Here are meetings you can attend to learn more about the budget or to voice your opinions:

• Jan. 3: School board finance committee to review, 7 p.m.

• Jan. 4: School board meeting to discuss the budget, 7:45 p.m.

• Jan. 6: School board budget work session, 7 p.m.

• Jan. 11: Special school board meeting to vote on budget, 7:45p.m.

What do you think of this budget proposal? What are your concerns?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

NPS Budget Posted Online

The proposed 2011-12 NPS Operating Budget, as well as a related letter from Dr. Marks is available online on the district's home page.  Pages 8-9 outline staffing cuts.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New COO Appointment Delayed

Norwalk Public School's appointment of a new Chief Operating Officer has been delayed a couple of days. The candidacy of Craig Drezek was on the Board of Education’s agenda during Tuesday night’s meeting, but the Board decided to table approval of the appointment because his contract had not been made available to the public in advance.

“I have concerns with how this process was done. This is an issue of transparency,” said Board member Migdalia Rivas. Norwalk’s new Superintendent Susan Marks was embarassed by the breach in protocol and told the Board “This was my error in process.”

Veteran board member Jody Bishop Pullan clarified for Marks that in Norwalk the contracts of the Superintendent and her executive team including those of the Assistant Superintendent, COO, and head of HR are required by law to be made public prior to board approval.

Drezek, is currently superintendent of Regional School District 6 , a small school system in Litchfield County. He is slated to make $168,000 according to documents that were provided to the board, but information about his $7,000 annuity and other benefits were only discussed at the meeting. Drezek has an accounting degree from Teikyo Post University and received a master's degree in education from Sacred Heart University.

Drezek will replace Dan Cook who has been interim Chief Operating Officer for two and a half years, and served under four superintendents during that time. Cook will become the interim Director of Finance for Bridgeport Public Schools starting January. Drezek will not come to Norwalk until February.

Drezek was not in attendance during Tuesday night’s meeting. A special meeting of the BOE will be held on Thursday morning to approve his contract.

Friday, December 17, 2010

District Seeks $4M in Budget Cuts

Norwalk Superintendent Susan Marks told her school principals that $4 million needs to be cut from next year's school budget and outlined a series of proposed cuts for them. Possible cuts include housemasters, assistant principals and elementary school aides. The actual budget will not be made public until next week.

Norwalk High School Principal Leonard Mecca attended the Wednesday meeting and wrote an email to his staff, calling the cuts "pretty devastating stuff." Among the proposed cuts at Norwalk High are one housemaster, a security guard, the School to Career Program, the police officer that monitors outdoor activities daily from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., $20,000 from the band transportation budget, and co-op athletic programs in hockey and swimming.

At the principals' meeting, Marks explained that maintaining the current level of staffing and programs would require a 6 percent increase over the current $150 million budget. Given the economy, Marks plans to present a budget with a 3.5 percent increase to the board, which means the district would need to cut $4 million.

On Thursday, The Hour also identified potential cuts, including two elementary assistant principals, two middle school assistant principals and first-grade aides.

In an interview after receiving news of the media reports and Mecca's email, Marks said the protocol is for the Board of Education to receive the budget before it goes to the public. "I wanted to give my principals the heads up," she said surprised that information had already been widely shared. She said the BOE will receive the budget next week at which time she can discuss the scope of proposed cuts in detail.

"This budget affects the entire district. I tried to be as equitable as I could. The cuts go across administration, teachers, support personnel, central office and programs. These are not fake reductions," Marks said.

"I don't like this budget. In fact, I'm calling it my 'non-recommended' budget," she said, referring to the fact that the superintendent usually presents a recommended budget to the school board. "It will hurt kids, but there is a financial reality."

Marks said she is also looking for ways to get more money for next year. On Wednesday, she instituted a spending freeze and plans to push savings forward to next year's budget.

Early next month, the superintendent will present the draft budget to the school board. It will be reviewed at public workshops before the board votes and moves it to the city.

Marks Puts Freeze on Spending

Norwalk School Superintendent Susan Marks put a spending freeze in place on Wednesday. Marks' intention is to forward savings from this year's budget to help alleviate shortages in next year's operating budget.

"I implemented a hard freeze of expenditures for the rest of the 2010-11 school year," she wrote in an email. "Any requests for exemptions to the freeze will be made to the superintendent. There may be exemptions made on a case-by-case basis, however, the purpose of the freeze is to save as much money from the 2010-11 budget that can be rolled over to be utilized for the 2011-12 school year."

In her email, Marks list the following areas to be included in the freeze:

• Administrative position vacancies are frozen and may not be filled with permanent employees.

• All vacant classroom, itinerant teacher and nonclassroom positions may be filled by long-term substitutes.

• Only emergency overtime is permitted.

• All requests for additional special education and related services staff, both certified and noncertified, must be discussed and approved with the director of pupil personnel services.

• All positions funded by grants must be approved by the superintendent.

• All grant purchases and grant money used for professional development, conferences and travel must be reviewed and approved.

• No new contractual commitments may be made except for emergency repairs, special education services and to extend existing maintenance agreements for copiers and computers.

• All commitments for consultant services will require an exception.

• School spending can continue for purchasing instructional materials for students, media materials, textbooks and training materials. Schools, however, should only purchase instructional materials and textbooks that are necessary.

• Building service supplies are exempt from the freeze.

• Materials and supplies for maintenance work and printing are exempt.

• Travel and conference commitments are frozen. Employees must not arrange travel expenditures or make commitments to participate in out-of-state conferences unless the travel was previously authorized.

• Expenditures for dues, registrations and subscriptions are frozen.

• All furniture and equipment purchases are frozen unless an exception is approved.

• Payments of existing lease or master lease obligations are exempt.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sup Unveils Budget Soon

Superintendent Susan Marks will unveil her 2011-12 Board of Education budget next week. Before doing so, she warns that this year, the community will 'feel some pain." Although last year Norwalk implemented a zero percent increase for the district's $150 million budget, there were no job or program cuts.

"With the loss of ARRA money, the situation is bad," says Marks, referring to $3 million of federal stimulus money that supplemented last year's operating budget. It is not being reissued for next year.

For the first time in a budget process, Marks, who started as superintendent in July, convened a budget committee made up of all the union leaders, a parent and central office administrators. "I think the process was good. Everything was in the open and there are no secrets." Marks adds, however, that she will have the final say. "This is the superintendent's budget."

Lisa Lenskold, president of the Norwalk's PTO Council, commends the superintendent's approach to the process. "Dr. Marks has done a great job bringing together the stakeholders. The committee has worked collaboratively and tirelessly during the budget preparation phase to improve transparency and ensure stakeholder representation during the budget process. I hope the parents and community will respect the process and realize that these are very difficult times."

The PTO Council has publicized several post-holiday budget meetings in which parents and community members can weigh in on the superintendent's proposed budget. The dates are subject to change so please confirm them on the district's website.

* Dec. 21-22 ; 2011-12 Budget will be available to the public

* Jan. 4; BOE Meeting, presentation of the Superintendent Budget, City Hall

* Jan. 5; Finance Committee to Review & Discuss Budget, City Hall

* Jan. 6; Budget Parent Workshop sponsored by the PTO Council, City Hall

New Law Focuses on School Lunches

President Obama signed a bill Monday that will provide school districts with more money for lunches and improve the nutritional quality of the food sold. "This is an important and symbolic move," says Amy Kalafa, a Weston resident and the producer/director of "Two Angry Moms," an award-winning documentary about a movement to improve food in schools. Kalafa says she had been following the bill as it moved through Congress.

The $4.5 billion Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act provides a school district with an additional 6-cent per meal reimbursement to the $2.72 it already receives for children who get free lunches. The legislation also makes it easier to identify children who qualify for free lunches by using Medicaid data and eliminating paperwork requirements.

The law will especially affect schools such as Jefferson Elementary School in Norwalk, where 64 percent of the students receive free and reduced-priced lunches. "We see a lot of hungry kids. This will help," says Kathy Gallagher, Jefferson's assistant principal. "It's also important to have good quality food."

As part of the new measure, the U.S. Department of Agriculture will establish national nutrition guidelines for food sold in schools, including lunchrooms, vending machines, fundraisers and school stores. The law also provides for more after-school meals, certification requirements for cafeteria personnel and public reports on a district's school nutrition environment. Critics of the law say that it puts too many federal mandates on local districts.

Tom Murphy, spokesman for the state Department of Education, says the additional federal reimbursement will help districts. But the national nutritional guidelines will have less of an impact in Connecticut than in other parts of the country. "We already have state nutritional standards signed onto by 70 percent of our districts," says Murphy.

Susan Fiore, nutrition education coordinator at the Education Department, says the state standards, established five years ago, limit the amount of fat, saturated fat, added sugar and sodium. Norwalk and Fairfield have signed onto these voluntary state guidelines. Westport, Wilton, Darien, New Canaan, Stamford, Greenwich, Weston and Easton have not.

Wilton Public Schools have opted out of signing onto Connecticut's Heathy Food Certification because it does not allow school fundraisers like bake sales where sweets like cupcakes and brownies are sold, says Ken Post, Wilton Public School Chief Financial Officer. "Our school lunch meets and exceeds the state's standards," he adds.

The new law is part of a broader initiative by first lady Michelle Obama to fight childhood obesity. "It's great that we have Michelle Obama behind the healthy food movement," says Kalafa. "But for me, this is a still a local movement. It's not necessarily about a 6-cent reimbursement or banning certain products. And it's not about Norwalk versus Weston. It's about how a community values food."

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ponus Under Attack, Anonymously

Norwalk has its own WikiLeaks problem.  Like WikiLeaks, the international organization that leaked secret State Dept. memos, The Hour wrote an article last Thursday based on a leaked letter to the BOE criticizing Ponus Middle School and its Principal Linda Sumpter.   The difference is that the documents used by WikiLeaks are made public and the writers are known. In the The Hour's case, however, the letter which was given such prominence, was anonymously written.

The Hour did not make the letter public, but quoting selectively from it the writer says that Sumpter has, "created a "problematic" climate and "demoralized" her employees." The letter says that fights breakout in the school, and that weapons and drugs are found at the school.  It also says that Sumpter exhibits harrassing behavior towards teachers.

Assistant Superintendent Tony Dodonna discounts the letter saying  ""Anybody could say anything about anyone else," but is "investigating." Teachers' Unions chief  Bruce Mellion on the other hand goes on the attack saying  "[Sumpter] has been allowed to run amok indefinitely."

I spoke with Ms. Sumpter the night that the article was published.  She said that she prefered to take the "high road" on this issue.   Sumpter said that she is willing to "sit down" and discuss problems and issues that anyone may have with he school.  She said she received a lot of support from her staff and parents after the article was published. Sumpter had no comment on Mellion's remarks or the fact that the The Hour a story about an anonymous letter.  Superintendent Susan Marks said she had no comment on this matter.

For all its serious allegations, this is a story of smoke and mirrors. The Hour's article reads like a whodunit story leaving more questions than solid facts. Who wrote the letter? Who leaked the letter, an insider or outsider? Who are the "sources close to the authors of the letter"?  We don't know anything about the motivations of the writer(s). 

If indeed there are serious problems at Ponus, shouldn't they be investigated factually?   Are problems being documented?  Is Central Office getting involved?  What is being done to help the principal and teachers improve the learning environment for kids?

One parent I spoke to (who wanted to remain anonymous of course) questioned the need for the letter writer to remain anonymous. And I wonder that too.  This parent questionned the "retaliation" teachers are subject to, especially tenured teachers.  Teachers have the union to protect them from being fired, working longer hours, hold back raises.  Parents, she said, don't have the same luxury of protecting their kids if they push too hard.

Sumpter is not the only principal to be a subject of local media attention.  Bob McCain, principal of Nathan Hale, has been the subject of two recent articles in The Hour about two harrassment related lawsuits, one current and one past.  Currently,  McCain is named in a lawsuit by a former Nathan Hale gym teacher for harrassment.  (According to Bruce Mellion, the gym teacher is not being represented by the teacher's union).  Another article appeared last weekend, claiming that McCain was party to another similar lawsuit in a previous job in Leyard in 2003. 

Looks like principals make for better headlines than even our local politicians these days.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Kimmel on Marks' Budget Process

Bruce Kimmel is a former Board of Education member.

It seemed too good to be true when I first read the news stories, so I double-checked and, true enough, the Norwalk Board of Education, for the first time in memory, has included some of the significant stakeholders in preliminary discussions of the 2011-12 operating budget. According to reports, Superintendent Marks made sure representatives of the educational unions and the PTO Council had seats at the budget table from the get-go. Apparently, extensive meetings have been taking place on a weekly basis.

Some people might question the wisdom of including union representatives in these discussions, and they do have a point: Unions have their own interests and naturally will try to protect those interests. But so do Central Office personnel, and for years they’ve been part of the budget discussions. Plus, it’s about time we abandoned our standard budget scenario, which in the past pretty much excluded the educational unions, forcing them to present their budget ideas during the public participation phase of BOE meetings. I suspect that bringing organized labor to the table will eventually lead to some imaginative ways to save money.

Also of significance are the discussions that have taken place between the Superintendent and the city’s Finance Director, Tom Hamilton. Last year, I believe, was the first time the Finance Director and the Mayor, as well as the Board of Estimate and Taxation, met with school officials early in the budget cycle and suggested a spending cap for the 2010-11 operating budget. Unfortunately, last year’s recommendation was initially ignored as the Board initiated a game of chicken with city officials.

It might be worthwhile to briefly review what happened; hopefully, it won’t happen again: The Finance Director, the Mayor, and the BET clearly recommended that the Board adopt an operating budget for the 2010-11 fiscal year with a zero percent increase in spending. We were then in the midst of a terrible recession and revenues had decreased considerably. Ignoring the city’s fiscal watchdogs, the Board, after little discussion, adopted a budget that was five million above the recommendation.

Inexplicably, two contrary things then happened that confused the public: First, the Interim Superintendent again announced that the adopted budget was bare bones, clearly implying there was nothing to cut, apart from essential programs that benefit students. Second, Board members announced they would immediately begin looking for ways to trim the so-called bare bones budget. Finally, after considerable discussion – much of which was initiated by the unions – the Board settled on an operating budget that conformed to the recommendation from the Finance Director, the BET and Mayor.

The problem with this yearly game of chicken between city agencies and the BOE is that the public is caught in the middle and after a while doesn’t know what to believe. Last year was not the first time the BOE and the Superintendent predicted programmatic disaster, only to later make the necessary cuts without the system losing programs or key personnel. Fortunately, so far it seems the new Superintendent plans to work within the framework suggested by the Finance Director. However, I do question her use of “bare bones” so early in the process.

Nonetheless, compared to a few years ago, when budget discussions and presentations were not even properly noticed for the public, Marks seems to have adopted a radically more inclusive, as well as transparent, approach to the nitty-gritty aspects of budget crafting. Hopefully, this new approach will begin to rebuild trust among the BOE, the educational administration (often called Central Office), other city agencies and, most importantly, the public.

However, I would take this new approach a step further: To ensure the widest possible public participation, the BOE and Superintendent Marks might consider including members of “non-educational” groups, such as neighborhood or housing organizations, in these discussions.

Our public school system belongs to, and is supported by, the people of Norwalk; all the people, not only those who have a direct stake – such as a child or a job – in the system. Moreover, the long-term health of our city is in large measure dependent on the quality of education provided by our schools. It is incumbent on the BOE and the Superintendent to devise ways to include the broader public in budget discussions, as well as all other discussions that may have an impact on property taxes and property values.

The level of inclusiveness I am advocating is not the traditional way of doing things. But the world of education is changing and so must our BOE and the manner in which Norwalk develops its budgets. What could possibly be wrong with making our school budget process – and perhaps the budgets of other departments – community endeavors? Perhaps it’s time we cut through the silly distinction that divides our city into “taxpayers” and “parents,” as if these were mutually exclusive categories locked in a zero-sum budget struggle. Of course, the BOE would have final say – that’s what they were elected for – but including people with different perspectives is bound to enhance the overall process.

Bruce Kimmel

Expansions Get Green Light

A version of this story appears in

Five Norwalk elementary schools moved one step closer to building expansions to ease their overcrowding. On Tuesday evening, the Board of Education voted 8-1 in favor of the $4 million 2011-12 capital budget request. The budget is part of a larger approximately $30 million five-year plan that would expand Cranbury, Rowayton, Naramake, Jefferson and Columbus. The plan also includes funds to install air conditioning in all the elementary schools, upgrade technology, repair asphalt and concrete and bring other needed infrastructure improvements to the schools.

The initial $4.5 million approved by the board will begin the planning and design phase of construction at Naramake, Cranbury and Rowatyon. Actual groundbreaking at the schools wouldn’t occur until 2012-13. “Each year the budget will be brought back to the board,” said Dan Cook, the districts interim Chief Operating Officer. “Each year we will be adjusting the budget based on the previous year.”
Steve Colarossi, BOE finance committee chair, emphasized that the was “based on a study conducted by experts.” Board member Glenn Iannaccone reminded the board that Rowayton doesn’t have an auditorium that is large enough to accommodate the entire school.

BOE Chair Jack Chiaramonte described the expansion and repairs as necessary “This plan reprioritizes our needs. These are things we have to do.”

The lone dissenter, BOE member Sue Haynie, questioned the timing of the capital request. She discussed the poor state of the economy and conflicting enrollment trends in the city. District schools are “overused and underused”, she said. Haynie spoke of the possibility of a new charter school in South Norwalk the state’s inability to provide capital reimbursement. She also expressed dismay that Jefferson “has been waiting a long time.”

About the decision to delay Jefferson’s expansion plans a year, Colarossi said, “We need to spend the next year looking closely at the best possible model for Jefferson.” Currently, the school is both a magnet and neighborhood school.

Mayor Moccia, an ex-officio BOE member, addressed the fact that the state may not be in position to provide its typical 33 percent reimbursement on school construction projects which could change the City’s ability to fund the project. Nevertheless, the Mayor said, “We can’t stop the planning. We can always readjust.”

Board member Jodi Bishop-Pullan said, " It is the job of the BOE to make sure that our schools have adequate facilities. We need to move forwards with this.”

Haynie stated, “Next year, we could ask deeper questions.” She said that the current plan was “a plan in isolation, not aligned to a district vision.”

Monday, December 6, 2010

Colarossi Responds to Haynie Capital Critique

Steve Colarossi is the BOE Finance Committee Chairman.

As Chairperson of the Board of Education’s Finance Committee, I consider it my duty to explain the actions of the Committee as the comments posted by Mrs. Haynie do not fairly reflect our efforts. First, we have several schools that are over-crowded.

To assist us in assessing what the efforts should be to reduce this overcrowding, a competitive bid process was undertaken so that a firm would be hired to evaluate our elementary schools. The result was that Partners for Architecture was retained to study each elementary school and evaluate if, within current attendance districts, future population estimates warranted consideration of school expansion plans.

In any multivariate analysis, there must be some constants—the analytical tool fancied by Mrs. Haynie in which every conceivable and inconceivable potentiality is evaluated and factored simply does not exist.

In my opinion, the analysis undertaken is a fair assessment of future population shifts.
In my opinion, the experts retained by the Board of Education were well-versed in assessing the current data and developing an appropriate model to assess future population trends. The result was that we can expect several areas of Norwalk to see growth in the population of school-age children.This growth necessitates school expansion.

Secondly, there are significant studies that have examined the critical role a child’s physical environment has on his education—that is why I was such a vocal proponent in 2009 for the timely ordering of portable classrooms for Naramake. I knew that overcrowding, and using classrooms without adequate natural lighting, would have a profound impact on educational attainment. Therefore, expanding those schools which are currently over-crowded, and in which over-crowding is expected to continue, must be a priority. It is critical to student achievement.

Third, pre-school education is critical to our students. he program locations are not fungible, particularly for the typical-atypical programs. Therefore, there is simply no logic to suggesting that they can be moved without any analysis of the costs of retrofitting classrooms, designing physical therapy and occupational therapy facilities and training staff for the inclusion of these students.

School-based pre-school programs have been proven to close the achievement gap. Reducing or impinging those programs will undermine student achievement and should not be considered.

Fourth, the plan does not neglect Jefferson. Jefferson is blessed with an amazing principal, motivated staff and a student body that is making tremendous gains. If Jefferson were to become an entirely lottery-based magnet school, all overcrowding issues could be resolved. However, there is a significant neighborhood population that attends that school. Therefore, before there can be a final proposal for expansion and renovation of Jefferson, there must be critical dialogue with the community served by this school—which appears to be the process advocated by the critics of the capital budget proposal.Yet, the capital budget opponents use the lack of this community dialogue as a basis to prevent ANY forward movement for the overcrowded non-magnet schools.that facilitates capital (read: bricks and mortar) projects.

Our children deserve schools that are not over-crowded and we have the means to borrow a modest sum of money to take our analysis of needed school expansion to a logical next step.

Sixth, although many posters provided some detailed suggestions about operating budget reductions, the capital budget is an entirely separate matter. Capital funds cannot be used for operating expenses. Therefore, whether or not we expend $1.5 Million on elementary school projects will not impact the current operating budget.
The opinions expressed in this post reflect those of the author not

Parent Has Concerns about Capital Budget

This is a letter by Lisa Thomson, parent activist concerning the capital budget request.

To: Messrs. Chiarmonte, Colarossi, Hempstead and Wilms
cc: Dr. Marks

I’m writing to you over concerns I still have regarding the 2011-2012 Preliminary Capital Budget request from the NPS Facilities and Maintenance Department. The state of our economy and education at both a national and state level cannot be ignored as we consider our own circumstances here in the City of Norwalk. Please consider the larger educational REFORM picture when casting your vote on how best to incur city capital expenses in education:

Does it decrease the achievement gap in Norwalk?

• Connecticut has the largest achievement gap in the country. Norwalk represents that gap given the diverse racial and socio-economics of our school district.

• The state recently received an application by Reverend Lindsay Curtis for a new Charter School at the elementary level. This is an effort to deal with Norwalk’s achievement gap with its students in South Norwalk, who lack their own local school and who, as a subgroup suffer the lowest performance scores on the CMTs.

• The school that seems to be the most in need of construction and renovation, with one of the largest student populations, and the only Norwalk school visible from an intra-state (Route 7), has been placed at the bottom of the construction list.

Does it improve adult accountability with respect to achievement?

• Due to historical contract negotiations, as parents and taxpayers, we suffer a union that dictates our school calendar, and class size, thus impacting the usage, the flexibility and the requirements for classroom space.

• We currently have an uneven distribution of students across this city due to both positive and negative circumstances that can be directly attributed to: a school’s reputation, principal leadership, as well as the successful or failed deployment of academic programs.

Have other options/considerations been fully explored before incurring this sort of debt?

• Historically speaking, magnet programs have proven very successful in Norwalk and other cities in terms of raising academic achievement and influencing school choice within the district at both and elementary, middle and high school level (Columbus, Jefferson, and CGS), but some have not (Silvermine).

• Some elementary schools have added Pre-K programs without taking into consideration future K-5 enrollment plans and this is now adversely impacting regular classrooms.

• Has the district tracked the number of children from the elementary schools to determine how many move through the NPS system onto our middle and high schools?

During my own review and participation in this process at Board of Ed meetings, I have observed the following:

• A single pre-school complaint at Cranbury from one physical therapist and parent was enough for the Board of Education to shelve a plan for re-locating the preschool a few miles away to a neighboring elementary with empty classrooms. What cost does that portion impose on the facilities and maintenance project?

• In lieu of the construction of a computer lab at another elementary school, has the facilities department spoken with the technology department and considered the possibility of deploying wireless technology directly into classrooms, thus enabling teachers to offer differentiated instruction, in real time, in the classroom? What would be that cost versus construction of a new computer lab?

• Arts and Music are critical to learning, but as a district in need of improvement, is building a music room and art room our highest priority at the moment? As many children in Norwalk participate in After School Programs, has the district considered offering arts outside of traditional school hours, thus increasing academic time during the regular school day and making better use of space?

I am a big proponent of INVESTMENT in education that promotes and supports REFORM initiatives like for example, air conditioning for year round school access or bringing technology into the classroom, so that teachers can tailor their instructional time. I am sure that there are many capital investment opportunities. However, bricks and mortar for building classrooms in one part of town, while classrooms remain empty in another part of town, will not solve Norwalk’s achievement gap or academic rigor issues. One need only look around, to the abandoned school sites, dotted around town that have been converted (or not) into other uses over the years.

I have no doubt that you each share a commitment to education, but your councils also have a fiduciary responsibility to the City of Norwalk. My hope is that you are CONFIDENT that all potential options have been vetted before committing the city to additional debt. To do so, without making sure that the investment was tied to REFORM would be a disservice to Norwalk’s children and its taxpayers. This is the direction the country is moving in and it should also be ours.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Lisa Brinton Thomson

The opinions in this letter express the views of the author and not

Friday, December 3, 2010

Haynie Questions Capital Request, Not 'New Normal'

Sue Haynie is a member of Norwalk's Board of Education.

The recession has created a fiscal austerity for public schooling that is being called the ‘New Normal’, with predictions that the effects of this recession could last 5 years or longer. Few have money to spare--not the Feds, not the State, not the City and certainly not the taxpayer.

The Norwalk Board of Education (BOE) will be voting on the BOE Finance Committees 5 year, approximately $35+/- million Preliminary Capital Budget request on December 6th.  Has the BOE done its due diligence, or has it shirked it’s duty and left the hard questions for other government bodies to wrangle with? In times like these, when the BOE asks for $35+/- million of taxpayer money, there should be real clear answers to questions such as--- Is the bulk of this request based on a solid plan of action and solid data? Was the process as transparent as it should have been? Were the tough questions asked—and answered? Is it equitable? Does this request make sense at this time, right now?  Have all alternatives been fully investigated? My feeling is that the answer to all these questions is a ‘no’.

Capital budgets, like this request, are primarily about ‘bricks and mortar’ and little of the funding is directly related to student achievement.  Norwalk schools biggest problem is student achievement and accountability. This is a 5-year Capital Budget request that isn’t aligned with a 5-year district strategic plan. The tough questions were ignored or sidelined.  We’re asking taxpayers to spend millions of dollars of money and we’re not sure where we’re going with it.

Some of the funding that has been requested is clearly needed. There is a need for the asphalt, paving, rigging and gym door repairs.  It makes total sense to add A/C to those elementary schools without it to allow for 12 month educational access.  A number of left-over Priority 5 ‘must-do’ items from the previous 5 year plan involving repairs at a large number of district schools should be addressed.     The technology request is modest. These items alone represent millions of dollars. 

As for school additions, we already have unused and underused space in the district.  Why are we asking for millions of dollars in additions, in this economic climate, when we have not asked the why and what of those underused spaces? And, what’s the rush?   If there is, in fact, such urgency, the school first in line would be Jefferson—and it’s not. Jefferson has 8 portables that have been in place for 6 years, has not been significantly renovated in 40 years, sits on a mere 6 acres of land, has playgrounds with no grass, kindergartens with no direct egress and has had consistent, long-term enrollment increases year after year---no other district school can claim anywhere near the same extent of need or ‘urgency’. 

The New Normal, as Ed Secretary Arne Duncan notes, is a future of doing more with less, thinking before spending, a time to explore productive alternatives to the old way of doing things, an opportunity to innovate and a time of using what you’ve got and using it very well. The Preliminary Capital Budget request that will be voted on December 6th is not the New Normal, but rather the same old same old and I will vote no. 

Sue Haynie
Republican Board of Ed Member

The opinions expressed in this post represent those of the author and not

Kindergarten Age Change Proposed

The State Board of Education voted Wednesday to have fewer 4-year-old children entering kindergarten.  The plan, which still needs approval by the General Assembly, moves up the kindergarten cutoff dates three months to Oct. 1 and will be phased in over four years.  The current cutoff is Jan. 1.

The board says that there is now too wide an age range in kindergarten classrooms.  The span is 4 to 6½ years old. Less variation in age makes teaching more focused and developmentally appropriate and could help address the state’s achievement gap.

"I think it would be a good change," says Susan Zanone, a kindergarten teacher at Columbus Magnet School in Norwalk who has been teaching for 20 years.  "Kindergarten has changed so much.  The expectations and requirements are more demanding.  Some 4-year-olds are just not ready."

In addition, the state board wants to require parents who are considering delaying their children’s kindergarten entry a year to get approval from local boards of education.  Some parents hold back their children because they are not mature enough or to give them an advantage in sports. Alternatively, the change will worry some parents because it means an extra year of preschool fees or inadequate childcare.

Superintendent Susan Marks agrees with changing the age to enter kindergarten, provided that there are good preschool options available.  "It's good to start the kids older, as long as there is universal preschool with quality programs," she says.

Currently, Connecticut has one of the latest kindergarten cutoff dates in the nation.  The proposed date change would bring the state in line with the rest of the country.

Roton Obama Trip Gets No School Funds

A version of this story appears in

Superintendent Susan Marks says no taxpayer money will be used to pay for buses for a field trip, which transported Roton Middle schoolers to see President Obama in Bridgeport last month.  Students from Roton's Aspiring Males (RAM), an afterschool leadership development programs for boys, attended the Moving America Forward rally at which President Obama campaigned for incumbent congressman Jim Himes and US senate candidate Richard Blumenthal.

On Monday, Republican Town Committee Chairman Art Scialabba sent Marks an email asking for clarification about the trip and specificially who paid for it. After reading about in the Nov. 24 Norwalk Citizen News ("Roton's Aspiring Males are learning life's lessons"), Scialabba said he had concerns. "I wanted to make sure that kids were not being brought to a rally at taxpayer expense," he said. "There is a distinction between an official speaking in a public capacity and polititical one."

Marks responded to Scialabba by memo on Tuesday. "Norwalk Public Schools' money has not been used," she wrote. Scialabba said he was satisfied with Marks' response. It is not clear, however, who will pay for the buses. The bus company usually bills the schools for their services. Phone calls and email to the Roton principal and vice principal were not returned. According to Mike Barbis, the co-president of the  Roton Parent Teacher Committee, the PTC has not been asked to pay for the buses. 

"I want to listen and be responsive to concerns of the community," said Marks in an interview. "However," she added, "I think it is important to expose our students to educational opportunites that will increase their understanding of the world. Seeing the President is very exciting. The club trip was not intended to be political in nature."

Barbis said he also wrote a letter to Marks in support of the trip. "This was all about civics and nothing about politics," he said in his letter. "Allegations that this was a politicized outing and should not have been funded by the school system have it all wrong and do not understand what the RAMs program is all about."
Barbis's son, who participates in RAM program, went on the field trip. "The trip organizers talked to the kids and explained that this is a rally, and that they don't have to agree with it. They put it into context," said Barbis.

Lisa Thomson, the Roton PTC's other co-president agreed with Barbis and calls the Republican Town Committee's probe "disingenous and party politics." "Where are my politicians on real educational issues?" asks Thomson, a self-described independent, who is founder of REd Apples of Norwalk, a parent advocacy group on education issues. "Our kids go to IMAX and restaurants on Norwalk's dime. They shouldn't go see the President?"

BOE Chairman Jack Chiaramonte, a Republican, disagrees with the Roton parents. He called the trip a form of "indoctrination" and sees a "double standard" among liberals. "If this were a Republican or the Tea Party, the Left would be up in arms." Chiaramonte, like Scialabba, takes issue with the fact the event was a political rally.  "If Obama was talking about an important issue, I'd be there with my family.  But he wasn't.  It was a rah rah rally."

Bob Duff, Norwalk’s Democratic State Senator said concerns about the field trip are overblown. "This was a whole lot of nothing," he said. "Our President was 10 miles away. Most Americans never get a chance to see the President." Duff notes that he, a Democrat, made sure to see George W. Bush when he used to come to the area.  "Just because an event is partisan doesn't mean we should restrict the kids from going.  The leaders of group have to make sure the kids understand that it is a partisan event and that there are other points of view. The kids should have an understanding of how government works."
