
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Diversity and Minority Issues Dominate Community Sup Search Forum

Diversity and minority issues dominated the discussion at the Community Forum for the Superintendent search.

Approximately 30 people attended the forum organized by CABE Search Services, the consultants hired by the BOE to find a new chief for Norwalk Schools. About half were the same people that attended the Thursday Parent Forum last week including Board Members Glenn Iannacone, Shirley Mosby, Rosa Murray, Sue Haynie (elect). In addition, principals Lynn Moore of West Rocks, Bob McCain on Nathan Hale, Linda Sumpter of Ponus Ridge were present as well. Bruce Morris, NPS's Human Relations Officer was also at the forum.

When the consultants asked about challenges in Norwalk, one parent spoke about the challenges of the federal No Child Left Behind law and teaching to the test. Another highlighted the lack of attention on identifying early on children who have special needs or reading issues.

Ms. Sumpter said that the next superintendent will have to focus initially on "healing the community" which she feels has suffered rifts. "The new superintendent will have to reach out to everyone," she said. Ms. Sumpter added that Norwalk needs to continue its work in improving student achievement. "Because of the NCLB, we have changed the way we teach children. Evey child is more closely examined. That work needs to continue. It's not one size fits all anymore," she said.

Ms. Sumpter added that the new superintendent will also have to focus on professional development and building relationships with the business and corporate communities.

John Mosby, a leader in Norwalk's Black community, spoke passionately about the need for a leader who will not "sugar coat" issues that are important the black community. He said that he feels that Norwalk has been "selling out" the Black community and that there aren't enough Black and Hispanic administrators and leaders in the school system. "The new superintendent should be ready to treat the black community right,"he said.

Ms. Moore said that there is a suspicion among some people in the district that a the new board has already made its decision about who will be selected as superintendent. "There is scuttlebutt that the decision has already been made," she said.

Mr. Morris told participants that it was unlikely that they were going to find a "superman" who would solve all of the problems of the district. However, he added, "we need to make sure that diversity is not just lipservice," He added that Norwalk needs someone who has a proven track record in an urban district.

Marie Allen, assistant principal at Ponus Ridge Middle School who used to work as a teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District, also commented on the issue of diversity. "I've never seen such inequities in schools as I have in Norwalk," she said. The new superintendent needs to address this problem, she said.

One parent said Norwalk needs to cultivate its own leaders and build leadership from within.

Another parent said that perhaps children do a better job with diversity than adults. "They just see each other as friends and are color-blind," she said.

The consultants said that they have met with Norwalk students in this data gathering phase and one comment from the children that struck them was "unify us".

One parent said that she would like to see a superintendent that thinks like a person in corporate world, one that is focused on results and accomplishments.

Ms.Haynie, who was recently elected to the BOE, said that the good thing about looking at data is that it is objective and not emotional. "It shows the bottom-line results, something everyone is interested in," she said

Another parent said that we need a superintendent with, "a big heart and feeling for the children."

The CABE consultants have been meetings with teachers, students, administrators and parents over the last couple of weeks. Tuesday's meeting was the final public forum. All of the data collected at these various meetings will be synthesized and presented at a BOE meeting on December 1.


  1. I have to say that I am very nervous about this whole process - NPS has HAD exemplary leaders who
    have become frustrated and left - are we going to be able to attract and keep a strong leader?

  2. The person who just posted above, what school system have you been in that has had exemplary leaders? Drs. Herbert and Corda were the opposite of exemplary!

    Yes, Ms. Moore, the decision has already been made by the new board members. They support the unexperienced Mr. McCain. The decision has been made before the interviews have even taken place. Watch and see this become a reality. It would be a very safe bet to say that Mr. McCain is 'the chosen one.' Too bad.
    These fact gathering forums are a usual.

  3. How can you say a decision has been made when there are 4 new board members who haven't even taken office.

    What you are suggesting is just ridiculous.

    There are candidates that are going to come in from the outside and be interviewed by the Board or new search committee.

    And then I hope we can all see how they stack up. If it's Mr. McCain so be it. However if someone else is better or more qualified then they should get the job.

    I also wish that Lynne Moore and for that matter the defeated BOE leaders would just stay out of it.

    Lynne Moore is the principal of a school. While there should be a time and place for her to provide her input, hijacking a parent or community forum is not one of them. This community forum was supposed to be for parents and taxpayers not for a vocal minority group with an pre-defined agenda to come in an bellyache.

    That's what I see happening. IMHO

  4. To the 11:07 AM poster...

    So what was Bob McCain doing there? He is also a principal. I guess he was hijacking a parent (or community) forum and shouldn't have been there either! Perhaps he had a pre-defined agenda as well?!

    Wait and see. I'll bet I'm right about his 'appointment.'

  5. Since the job posting requires central office experience, McCain won't even meet the board of education's requirements, although he would make a better superintendent than anyone else in the district. He is intelligent, articulate and effective in his job. Student academic outcomes at NHMS are better under his watch than they have been in many years, and the social climate is also excellent.

    Still, someone (I think I know who) managed to get the "central office experience" qualification put into the job description.

    Having worked in the district for years, I cannot believe that we are even discussing the AS as a candidate for this job.

  6. Dear # 2: To name two, Dr. Sloan and Mr. McKiernan. There have been a number of curriculum directors who we have lost to appreciative school districts. Then, there is the large number of creative and inspiring teachers who gave up...

  7. Dear 11:07 I don't know Bob McCain but he did not say a word during the two forums that he attended. To observe quietly is everyone's right. To take center stage is another story.

  8. Dear 12:34 PM. How can you state that you do not know Bob McCain but tell us that he didn't say a word during the two forums that he attended. I guess you must have a vested interest in the outcome of this (superintendent) appointment since you attended two forums. Interesting.

  9. Is this level of paranoia the kind of environment that the supporters of the AS foster? Since when is it a problem for someone to attend the forums? I didn't go but I admire the civic involvement of this man or woman.

  10. I Wish I could have attended. If only the former Board and the consultant would have checked the school calendar, they would have realized it was conference night! And the saga continues.

    Let's wait until the new Board is sworn in before we start condemning their actions.

  11. 2:07 I mean I don't know him personally. It's ridiculous to pick apart every word.

  12. 2:17 post: Who ever said I was an AS supporter? I did not...nor am I. I support the best candidatae that is chosen through a thorough interview process. I am against a decision that has already been made.
    Paranoia that is fostered? Perhaps you need to ask yourself who is stirring up the pot?

  13. You are ALL unbelievably petty! You talk of unifying our schools and community, and you can't even be supportive of one another! We need the best candidate for the job. Whether that person is from outside, or has come through the ranks in our own educational community, let us all be supportive of this process. Maybe we have one or more candidates that exist here in Norwalk. Maybe not. This entire process is information gathering to determine what qualities we think are necessary to help our schools and children grow and learn. Get over your anger about the outcomes of the most recent elections and work to help these consultants find us the right person to lead our schools in the years to come. All of your backbiting just shows that there is no way anyone will satisfy any of you. Please...just grow up!

  14. Just exercising our freedom of speech rights.
    The 'right' person was already found by the 'not even elected' board members. That's the reality. Perhaps you will see how true this is in the next few months. If those of us who feel this way are wrong, fine. We do have the right to state our feelings on a public forum, however. We do not need to be scolded.

  15. I am puzzled, Anonymous 8:13 p.m., who is the "right" person to whom you refer? The only two named potential candidates are Dadonna and McCain, but McCain doesn't meet the qualification of central office experience. Are you saying that Dadonna is the "right" person?

  16. If a candidate has already been selected, gee, then why on earth would the current BOE have wasted 6 months and spent money on a search firm? I doubt that is the case and think members of the community should stop making allegations with absolutely zero evidence. Let the best person for the job win, whomever that may be.

  17. norwalkgirl,

    Of course, your views are sound, but if you have been around Norwalk as long as I have, you also know that there is political maneuvering going on in the background, and so people are suspicious. Some of the people doing the maneuvering must have board members' telephone numbers on speed dial, but now they are going to have to begin romancing different board members. I hope the new members won't be fooled by the personal agendas.

  18. Good to see an appeal for calm.
    The passion on the anti-McCain side seemed a bit overwrought (IMHO), especially when you think that the principal of the North Korea of Norwalk's Middle Schools (where teachers don't transfer out of, they flee) is leading the charge.
    It seems kind of political to me. The "anonymous" posters try to discredit the new members of the Board of Ed, try to call into question any choice they make, work very hard to degrade McCain and hide behind the claim for transparency and fair government. But don't they see that they're just alienating a bunch of us from the process and discouraging a true diversity of opinion.

  19. To answer the post that questions who the new Board members choice is, the 'right' person, according to them....Bob McCain. All I am saying is that this choice is already made. I am not trying to alienate anyone. I am just trying to open up your collective eyes to see the reality that exists. Are those of you who don't see this pre-picked superintendent decision really that totally naive about what is going on?

  20. How can McCain be the choice if he doesn't have the required central office experience?

  21. Confucious say: Where there is Sumpter and Moore, much more(Moore) is in store! Caveat emptor.

  22. Poster 11:58 AM, have you not been reading the news? Suddenly, the requirements for the position of Superintendent of Norwalk Public Schools are going to change...Oh, sorry, only one of the requirements. Central Office experience will no longer be required. Surprise, surprise!

  23. Hoping some of the anonymous bloggers can point to any vote that was taken to approve the job description which CABE posted? That item doesn't pop up in any agendas or minutes from our open and transparent Board of Ed.

  24. can someone here explain why central office experience is mandatory?

  25. It shouldn't be mandatory. The person who believes it should be is the one who is hopeful that a current central office administrator will become superintendent. I said "person," but it may be two people if you include the person who wants the job.

  26. 5:57, since you decided to accuse, I will answer. I'm one of the anonymous writers and I am not the assistant superintendent. I know there are other anonymous writers.

    My question to you, who is NOT writing based on fact,

    Are you Bob McCain? or Colarossi? or are both on here, as rumored?

  27. I have a great idea. Since there is so much negativity about both candidates, let the BOE look elsewhere and appoint someone else to the Superintendent's job. It seems that either candidate will generate more problems than not among parents, the staff. I'm sure there must be someone who is qualified who is neutral and will stop this in-fighting.

  28. Anonymous 7:42, the "adults" here are certainly acting more like children. Worse than children.

  29. WOW...I've been away from the blog for a few days!!!! All of this 'anonymous' posting of comments back and forth about the pending superintendent search is symptomatic of Norwalk's they parents, teachers, or administrators. Folks,we better find a way to work as a team and not annonymously attack one another...or the state/feds will be taking us over and then we will find ourselves in even bigger trouble.

  30. As a City, we have amazing potential. It is potential we can realize if we heed Ms. Thomson's well-placed guidance that we need to work as a team.
    Part of working as a team entails being able to keep an open mind to the multitude of perspectives of others. It also means appreciating that all opinions are worthy of consideration-- whether an opinion is posted anonymously or not, it still reflects the thoughts of someone in our community who took the time to share it with the rest of us. Certainly, it can be challenging to look beyond the occasional sarcastic asides and some of the more "speculative" postings-- but, I think we owe it all to one another and our kids to put aside whatever hurt feelings we may have had and engage one another in a debate (however spirited) about the attributes our community feels must be personified in our next superintendent.

  31. Mr. Colarossi, I would love to help unify the community. But, how can I believe that you are willing to do the same when you won't even answer the specific questions put to you in another posting? The Naramake Resource Center problem isn't going away. First on the agenda for you is to answer specific questions starting with whether there is (or was) a car purchased for the program, why was it purchased, and who drives it. We are only asking for answers to clear the air. If these are rumors, then slam those who created them with the facts. Don't direct people to forms and information that most people do not know how to access. Answer all the questions and put it to rest, please.

    As a second challenge to you, Mr. Collarossi, find a superintendent who will reflect the diversity in Norwalk. The two candidates constantly mentioned here do not qualify if you are looking to mend a school system that is in deep trouble. Look outside the system for a neutral person, as mentioned.

    Thirdly, you need to look to your side of town to a middle school that has three very negative teachers. Their negativity is toxic here on this board and in this system. These teachers know who they are and know why they are so negative toward another middle school principal. Lick your wounds in private, three teachers!

  32. This is directed at the people who think Bob McCain is not a Sal Corda clone:

    It has been reported that Bob McCain was a recent guest lecturer for Sal Corda at a class that Sal now teaches on the college level.

    Looks like these two get along very well, IMHO.

  33. The 2:16 posting is just ridiculous. Speaking at a Sal Corda class doesn't make anyone at all like Sal Corda. Even Sal can recognize talent sometimes, and he sees it in Bob McCain, just as do many teachers and parents.

    For the record, I am not a staff member at NHMS, nor have I ever been, but I know enough about the school to know that it is a far better place now that Bob is principal.

  34. Just so I get a handle on some of these postings-- Anon 2:08 responds to a post by Colarossi asking everyone to try to respect different opinions by rehashing rumors that got no traction before?
    Anon 2:08 will only help unite Norwalk if her petty grievances are answered (even though Kimmel told her on the other posts that all the questions she's asking have been answered and all info given).
    Does any one have any doubt that Anon 2:08 and her group are really just out for their own political agendas and don't care even a little about Norwalk's kids?

  35. 11:14 AM: The questions that were asked in the other thread were not at all answered. Tell me what the answer was to the car that was supposedly purchased by the Naramake Resource Center. I can't find that answer. Tell me about who drives it and why. You are misleading everyone with your response. There were not answers to these questions anywhere.
    I have no doubt that you and your group are out to support what is not right for our system. I would like open communication and honesty, or is that too much to ask for?

  36. Please Anon 2:03-- you want open communication and honesty by posting annonymous innuendo?

  37. All we are asking for is the truth. If these are just rumors, they can be put to rest immediately with the facts. I, personally, can tell you that I am just asking for the truth. I have heard these accusations regarding the Naramake after school program from different sources, and I am wondering why so many people are on this board trying to bully me and stop me from asking these specific questions. I am just as willing as you are to end this questioning. Just give those of us who are asking an honest and specific reply.

    Why is everyone (or one person) so defensive about the truth? I am left to believe that the truth is not pretty.

  38. Anon 2:03 - you seem to already know the answers so why don't you tell us who is driving the car. Honestly, who really cares! The Naramake Resource Center is providing a much needed service, at a very reasonable cost, to many parents in this community. And they are very thankful for it. Ask any of them! If you have a chip on your shoulder against Mr. Colarossi, just say so. Don't accuse him and everyone else associated with the Naramake Resource Center of wrong doing.

  39. To the previous poster - the questions have nothing to do with Colarossi!!! Why are you (and he) so defensive? The questions have been asked for years, and gone unanswered. If we knew how to access the information, we would. Let's just get the information out and be done with it.

  40. Apparently you haven't read through the other posts. For your convenience please read anonymous at 2:08pm

  41. Although Bruce Kimmel explained to one of the Anonymous posters (in a previous thread when the questions were actually relevant) that all questions about the Naramake FRC had been answered and all materials provided when requested by the Board of Education some time ago, and even though I have repeatedly explained that I only recently became a Board Member of this much-needed non-profit and that I am not the group's spokesman, I do believe that the true issue presented by this thread (of trying to discern the extent to which some groups in our community feel disenfranchised) is so important that I would rather address these anonymous posters again rather than see this thread persistently derailed.
    Anyone can review the City's grandlist and find out that I drive a Kia minivan (which I know makes many jealous) and that the FRC some time ago purchased an old station wagon. At that time I was not on the Board of the FRC, but I believe that, because of the outreach work performed by the FRC's parent educator, the homevisits which are conducted by staff in the toddler program and in the preschool and the many offsite meetings staff is expected to attend, the sense was that it was more efficient for the non-profit to own its own vehicle for employee use during the work day.
    Now that the Anonymous Inquisitor's question has been answered, rather than challenge the point that her (or his) postings were personal attacks, or whether people's annoyance with what some perceived as baseless rants is misunderstood as "defensiveness", let's get back to an honest discussion about why some groups in our City may feel disenfranchised-- let's actually discuss what could very well be pervasive and insidious bigotry and try to figure out if our children feel the same way as some of our adults.
    But, let's make sure we address the concerns of our non-English speakers (many of whom feel that bilingual programs are not extensive enough), our special education students whose needs have often been systematically overlooked as well as our many racial and ethnic minorities in Norwalk.
    We don't have to question the motives of any messengers (whether anonymous or not)-- we don't need to wage a proxy war between two people who may (or may not) apply for the position of Norwalk's Superintendent of Schools. Rather, we need to simply sit down as neighbors and try to empathize with one another's perspective and respect that we all want what is best for our children. It is a discussion that we need in Norwalk and one in which I would be honored to participate.

  42. Very good article in The Hour today ( which (IMHO) exposes the political games being waged by some unsuccesful candidates in the name of "diversity".

