
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Updated: Sup Search and Communication Discussed at BOE Meeting (including CABE Report)

At the BOE meeting last night, CABE Search Services, the search firm retained by the Norwalk Board of Education, presented a summary of their findings from community forums and surveys that were conducted last month.  According to CABE, approximately 198 individuals filled in the leadership assessment profiles that were distributed by the firm. (See below for report)

The surveys indicated, according to CABE, that Norwalkers believe that there is a “void in leadership and little long term visioning” in Norwalk Schools.  Survey respondents also expressed their concern about outdated systems and “perception of inequity” in the school system. 

The CABE consultants told the BOE that the community is “looking for direction”.  Norwalkers indicated in the surveys and forums that they want a new superintendent who knows how to partner with different groups, including the business community, and manage finances.

“Visibility crept into everyone’s vocabulary,” said Jacqueline Jacoby, a CABE consultant.  “The new person needs to be able to connect with the community.”

The consultants said that their report should be made available to the public and that they will be sharing it with potential candidates. 

As part of the discussion on the subject of the Superintendent search, Jody Bishop-Pullan proposed that a compensation committee be formed to research what the new Superintendent would be paid. She suggested that the committee be composed of members of Norwalk’s business committee.

Mayor Richard Moccia, an ex-officio member of the BOE, however said that he would be able to provide compensation information from the Conference of Mayors.

“This search is moving at a snail’s pace. Do we really need to set up another committee?” he said adding that there is enough expertise on the Board to determine compensation.

In an interview after the meeting, Eliza Holcomb, a CABE consultant, said that she is currently in the process of fielding calls and inquiries.  In addition, she is also recruiting candidates.  She also said that all candidates, external and internal, will go through CABE and the same process.  

In addition to the update on the Superintendent search, the BOE also discussed setting up a Communications committee and putting BOE documents on the NPS website.

Board Member Steve Colarossi presented a draft motion to establish a communications committee on the board which would investigate ways to improve ways to communicate with the public.

Board Chair Glenn Iannacone added the subject of communication needs to be addressed by the board since it was a problem in Cambridge and CREC reports.  He said that a communications committee  would be a "brainstorming group".

Ms. Bishop-Pullan wanted to know if this would be a committee of board members only or would other members of the community be included.  She also asked if it would be a standing committee or an ad hoc committee.

Mr. Collarossi said he envisioned a standing committee of board members to explore strategies for improved communication.  "We need to do a better job in how the public interacts with us as a board. The extent of information available is not as full as I would like."

Board Member Magdalia Rivas had reservations about setting up a communications committee.  She wanted to know what type of issues would be would be discussed at this committee and wondered if the PTOC could fill this function.  She said that if the public is communicating with the board that all the board members should be on the committee.

Board Member Jack Chiarmonte said it would be a committee like other ones where the committee puts forth ideas for the entire board to vote on. 

Mr. Colarossi's motion also included putting the superintendant reports and the Board agendas including the back up material on the website.

Interim Superintendent Bill Papallo and Ms. Bishop-Pullan were concerned about this proposition because of the shortage of staff, including the elimination of the Public Relations position due to this year's budget cuts.

Mr. Colarossi said that it was "not good practice" to have public information not "freely and readily available".

Board Member Sue Haynie who used to put the same information on the PTOC website during her tenure as president said that the task is not burdensome, saying that it took her "fifteen minutes."

Ms. Rivas expressed concern about people without computers and those that didn't speak English.

Mr. Iannacone said there is translation software available.  Board Member Erin Halsey reminded the Board that the Web is only one way to disseminate information and that there are many other methods that the Board can explore. 

Earlier in the meeting, Dr. Papallo spoke about the preparations being made for the 2010-2011 school budget which he said would be "more difficult than last year's".  He said that he plans to have a draft budget to the Board by Dec. 21st and it should be approved at the Jan 5th Board meeting.  He said that the Board should be prepared to have a separate meeting dedicated to budget preparations  The budget has to be submitted to the city by January 15th.

Bruce Kimmel, a former BOE member, spoke during the public comments section of the meeting.  "Every member of this board should go through every line of the budget, this is not rocket science."  He suggested that the Board invite the insurance consultant to review rates and said that it is important that the enrollment numbers are as accurate as possible.  He also said perhaps there should be discussion about separating the capital and operating budgets.

During the Spotlight on Schools section of the meeting, Bob McCain was recognized for receiving the Bank of America "Local Hero Award".  Fay Ruotolo, HR director, announced hiring of Christine DePalma, assistant principal of Marvin Elementary School.  In addition,  several board members acknowledged the work and accomplishments of Alaine Lane, prinicpal of Briggs High School, who will be retiring at the end of the year. 

CABE Superintendent Leadership Profile Report

Nor Walk Leadership Profile


  1. I really don't understand why this is taking so long. It seems like these issues have been discussed and regurgitated ad nauseum. I thought we hired CABE to push the process along...

  2. It will be no surprise to anyone when the district no longer has an interim superintendent because the board took too long to get started in the process of finding a new permanent superintendent. Dr. Papallo cannot continue to work more that a couple of months. However, this is no reason to accept anything less than the very best. Should the district need a second interim superintendent, there must be other retirees out there who can do the job.

  3. There is still a newly elected BoE member who is openly campaigning for her choice of Superintendent. It is not only totally inappropriate for a BoE member, but this is compromising the entire process. Someone needs to stop her.

  4. Stop being coy. If you have names to name then name them and give details. Otherwise your needlessly stiring the pot.

  5. Anonymous 2:54, I don't know where you are hanging out but I haven't been hearing any hint of anything. Openly campaigning implies she is going around trying to recruit support, which in theory, the BOE would not need, as they have final say. Besides, I don't know that CABE has even informed the board of anyone who has applied so really your comment makes no sense.

  6. I attended last night's BOE meeting up until the point where the "communication committee" discussion started to drag on and on...

    I still find it fascinating that -- despite the Cambridge and CREC reports and despite the election results -- some of the longer term members of the Board were once again playing the old 100-question game better known as stalling.

    What could possibly be wrong or troublesome about an honest attempt to improve communication between the BOE and the public?

  7. Bruce,

    Just think about the character of the "old" board -- if not the "characters" ON the old board. This is the same board that made a very puzzling appointment to the assistant superintendency and that rushed through a contract for a superintendent who should have been released years ago. My worry is that the board will make another bad choice for superintendent.

  8. Perhaps the 'old' board members have the experience that the 'new' board members lack. At least they know the questions to ask.

    As for 4:37 AM, what's your agenda? The assistant superintendent has been doing an outstanding job. Unless you are in the school system, are a principal, or in central office, how would you know? An assistant super. affects change at that level for the most part. My guess is that you have an axe to grind because you have a different choice for the candidate and you can't get your way.

  9. I don't want to hear about any more accusations of this search being fixed until someone is willing to name names and give specific examples of improper behavior.

  10. 5:48 a.m., my agenda is to keep the board from making a terrible mistake. And by the way, I'm not an "outsider," as you suggested.

  11. 8:48 AM, I suspect you already know that what I am hearing is true. For obvious reasons I will not give specifics, but I have been convinced that the information I have been given is accurate. I wouldn't write it here if I didn't believe it.

  12. 1:07 - I can't imagine why you won't provide any specifics if you know your information to be factual. As long as you're not guilty of libel, why should you be concerned? You posted as "Anonymous," so no one knows who you are. Another consideration is that there are only three new female members on the board, and so your comments make all of them suspects. Is that fair?

    A board member is entitled to an opinion, and it wouldn't be illegal (although it would be unwise) for him/her to endorse someone he/she would like to see as superintendent. Doing so would surely not help the process, but it isn't wrong. Maybe if it were someone you support it would be different.

  13. 1:44 PM, I reiterate...I am not going to divulge specifics. There are others who know the truth as well. Perhaps you are one of them.

  14. I wrote the 1:44 posting. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, other than that you think a new female board member wants a certain person to become superintendent.

    I don't know:
    1. who the board member is
    2. who the alleged candidate is
    3. who you are
    4. what your motive is
    5. why you won't divulge specifics
    6. if anything you said is true

  15. 5:15, I am not interested in a back and forth argument with you. I do not need to waste my time.
    I stand by what I said.
    Have a good life.

  16. Since 4:09 isn't interested in what he/she considers to be an argument, he/she must expect the rest of us to condemn a board member without any evidence of wrongdoing. This is foolishness and I urge everyone else to dismiss this person's vague accusation as being without merit.

