
Monday, January 18, 2010

Education Reform: The Civil Rights Issue of Our Time

I read a wonderful article today by John Legend in the Huffington Post--  Education Reform:  The Cvil Rights Issue of Our Time.  Mr. Legend is a recording artist, concert performer and philanthropist and he makes a powerful argument that one of the best ways to honor Dr. Martin Luther King's legacy is to reform the educational system.
Today, across the country, there will be many events to honor Dr. King. Personally, I believe the very best way to honor him and our civil rights leaders is to fight for social justice. And I believe the most important tool in the struggle for equality is to guarantee every American a quality education.
 Mr. Legend reminds us of some sobering facts.
Just 15% of our high schools are responsible for 50% of the dropout students and those schools are more likely to have a majority of students who are African American or Latino. So while Martin Luther King Jr. fought for our laws to not discriminate, our education system still helps perpetuate inequity. I think Melinda Gates put it best when she recently said, "Education is the key to opportunity, and the opportunity is not equal."
A good education is inextricably linked to our rights as American citizens. And it is appalling that a quality education is not considered a fundamental right. This is why I consider the education "achievement gap" between those students who are receiving a quality education and those who are not the civil rights issue of our time. It is fundamentally unfair that Americans' educational opportunities are so heavily influenced by the conditions outside of their control.
As a society, we have to ensure that every individual is given the opportunity to shine. We have to level the playing field. It shouldn't require a Herculean effort and great luck just to make it out of your neighborhood high school. We owe it to our kids to make sure they have the opportunity provided by a quality education.

1 comment:

  1. It shouldnt have to take a herculean effort to right what is so obviously a major wrong.

    It is the challenge of our time and time is moving quickly. There is no such ideal of a democracy with an uninformed, illiterate, easily manipulated electorate.

    America INC.

    What an experiment she is.

    Education is the key, the only key that will open the door to the future and are own survival.

    Minds, assets we cannot afford to waste....

