
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Marks Meets Norwalk

Norwalk parents and community members heard last night from the woman who will most likely become their next superintendent. Dr. Susan Marks is the associate superintendent of human resources in Montgomery County and has 30 years of experience in that district.  Montgomery County is a much larger district, 14 times the size of Norwalk, but it has similar racial demographics.

For ninety minutes, Dr. Marks stood on her feet in front of a crowd of over 100 parents and community members.  She fielded questions about her background and what she can do to improve Norwalk’s schools.  Her meet & greet focused on closing the achievement gap and the importance of a rigorous curriculum and professional development. 

“In order to close the achievement gap we have to raise the bar for everyone” said Dr, Marks in response to questions about the disparity in test scores between white students and poor and minority students. “High expectations are at the core of this.” 

In Montgomery County, she said that they have been able to increase the number of black and Latino students taking AP and Honors classes.  “There should be no gatekeepers,” she said.

Dr. Marks said that her goal was to make all students ready for college. “Even if kids go into the military or into the trades, we have to make them college ready,” she said.  “Believe me, the people at Toyota who are fixing all the cars right now need to have a high level of knowledge.” 

In addition, Dr. Marks stressed the importance of early childhood education and said that she hoped to increase such programming throughout Norwalk.

Dr. Marks said that teachers and school leaders need to be well-trained and she hoped that the Norwalk community would invest funds in professional development once the budget pressure eased.  “Teaching is rocket science.”

When an audience member asked about the importance of parental involvement, she said it is important but that it was also important to teach parents how they can help their kids at home. “I don’t think we should use parents not being involved in schools as an excuse for kids not succeeding.  Too often in my experience people use that as an excuse,” she said.  “I didn’t drop my kids off on the first day of school.  I was working.”

One parent described Norwalk as “system of schools” not a “school system” and asked how Dr. Mark would address that problem.  She replied that she will make the time to bring school leaders together both along grade levels and high school clusters. 

She reassured the audience that she would be in the schools “a lot” and that school leaders should not be sitting in their offices.  “Learning happens in the classroom.”

Dr. Marks described her style as collaborative, especially with the unions.  She highlighted her experience creating a peer evaluation process for teachers and administrators with union involvement.  She also said that she is problem solver: “Two things I hate are complaining and drama,” she said.  “If you have a problem, come to me with two suggestions.”

Dr. Marks seemed ambivalent on Race to the Top funding and said that Maryland did not apply for Race to the Top during phase 1. She does not believe that teachers should be evaluated on test scores alone.  One of the goals of Race to the Top is to link student test scores with teacher performance.

 “My goal has always been to be a superintendent,” she said early in the meeting. ” I want to work with people, roll up our sleeves and work together. At the end of the meeting she said: “My goal is for Norwalk to be proud of its schools again, every child deserves that.”

Dr. Marks said she plans to move to Norwalk if she gets the job. She has two daughters, 25 and 18.  Her husband is a popular middle school teacher in Montgomery County.

After the meeting, parents mulled around the room sharing their first impressions of the candidate.

“I’m optimistic but also cautious,” said Sherelle Harris. “ I’m taking a wait and see approach. We’ve had so many false starts in Norwalk.”

Trish Massucco said that she was impressed by Dr. Marks, especially with her focus on professional development.  “We need to help teachers, sometimes they just get in a rut.”

Greg Burnett, a former BOE member, was not as positive.  “I didn’t see any fire.  Norwalk needs a turnaround not baby steps.  I didn’t hear about a plan for drastic change and personal accountability. ”

Did you attend the event?  What did you think? videotaped the entire event.

Dr. Susan Marks Meets Norwalk Residents from jackie lightfield on Vimeo.


  1. Gregs is absolutely correct.

    What Dr. Marks presented on her vision, could have been taken from a summary of the Cambridge and C.R.E.C. reports, even one of Sal's dull powerpoints in twenty minutes.

    Retraining teachers and hiring qualified ones, this is her vision?

    Newsflash, thats already mandated by the state and feds.

    Where is that spark?


    Did anyone that asked a question feel that the recieved a clear and concise answer?

    Big mistake on the boes part for presenting one candidate and signing off on her after all the community has been through and verbalised, clearly.

    Does anyone feel that this lady has a clear understanding of Norwalk?

    There are positions available here in Norwalk that would more closely fit Dr. Marks skills.

    Chief is not the position for Dr. Marks.

    I mean, be real people, do you think this lady can unite the community and reinvigorate the staff?

    We are going to have to make major changes and its going to be painfull at the start.

    We will be doing quite a bit of intervieing the next couple of years.

    Hey Boe, thanks but no thanks.

    Give us a choice and give us somone with stamina and fire.

    We ask for a electronically fired blow torch, they give us a stick match.

  2. Yeah, that lady had so much charisma and really inspired the audience. She held, that 90 something, 80 something, 70 something, 40 something people, their attention. Just watching everyone walk out, inspirational.
    So much so, the lady in the back could be heard snoring in the front row.

  3. As a parent, I want someone who is going to focus on the classroom. Dr. Marks did that.
    As a taxpayer, I'd like a leader who is going to look at programs that don't work and cut them. She said that she would do that.
    Do I need someone to entertain me? Nope. Do I need someone who can give me grand oratory? Nope, again-- after all, we have a President for that and look at his dismal results.
    For my money, three of the new people I voted for got elected-- assuming that they are on board with this choice, I have to trust that they see something in Dr. Marks that inspires them.

  4. Here is an interesting piece bouncing around the cybersphere;

    And a couple of bookmarks if you don't already have them;

    Jim is a guy that keeps himself up to speed;

    and a reminder the Parental Advisory Committee will be presenting their federally mandated compliance work on assembling an information packet available in translated form in five languages on a cd format.

    and Alex's site;

    Reminder. Alex will be in the comunity room tonight.

    We are in need of someone to record.

    The BOE is meeting at the same time as Alex's town hall.

    Need both recorded.

    If somone can step up to assist in taping one of the meetings that would be of great benefit to all.

  5. Wish the boe would share what they see.
    Pass those binoculars.
    You either, are, not paying attention, or a boe member because you are obviously out of touch with reality.

  6. Correct if wrong but did she not but all but come out and directly say, she is not interested in pursuing RTTT, resources?

    Not interested in pursuing critically needed resources?

    Too much work, too much drama?

  7. Does anybody know if she is collecting a pension from Montgomery County? That would truly make Norwalk the educational pensioners capital of the world, especially to those from out of state! Big search and one finalist. Guess not too many wanted this job.

  8. I have to say that Dr. Marks came to my classroom today and met my students which is more than Dr. Corda EVER did...

  9. I was there last night, to hear Dr. Marks. Before I share my comments below I would like to preface them by saying they are based on a first impression and listening to her answer questions for about an hour and a half.

    I believe Dr. Marks is very knowledgeable, very bright, and seems to have some great ideas as it relates to educating students.

    I appreciated her honesty in answering the questions, even some that may be a little controversial. (ie. not necessarily needing a parent in educating a child. I don't agree with that thinking.)

    She seems to make most of her decisions based on data, which is fine with me, but I would be leery of using that as the only measurement of a child. There is more to a child than a number.

    The only aspect of Dr. Marks that I did not see is her leadership abilities. I asked her a question that she really didn't answer. I was looking to see if she had the "guts" to stand up for what she believed in rather than go with the data. Can she make decisions based on her experience? Can she stand up to forces telling her otherwise?

    I don't believe she has any hidden agendas in coming to Norwalk. She sounds like a very sincere person who wants to make a positive change to our District.

    Let me once again say, that my evaluation of her is based on a first impression of 1.5 hours. I am sure there is much more to her that I and we (the audience) did not see.

    I am willing to give the Board the benefit of the doubt on this one. I am sure they have vetted her and have asked her the hard questions. In my humble opinion - I think she would be a "GOOD" Superintendent.

  10. Heads Up Parents - While all the hoopla about a new superintendent is swirling around, all Norwalk parents should be aware of another situation that will directly effect them especially if they have/or will be requesting an out of district transfer for their child. Steve Colarossi, board member & union puppet, who serves as the chairperson of the policy committee is seeking to change the board policy surrounding these transfers. Currently, all Norwalk parents can request that their child/children attend a different school other than the one for which they are districted. This also applies to teachers who live and teach in Norwalk. Mr. Colarossi, at the urging of the teacher's union president, wants to change this policy. In the revised version, NPS teachers who live in Norwalk will automatically be allowed to send their children to the school of their choice. This will significantly lessen the chances of a non-teacher taxpayer of being granted a tranfer. Norwalk's current policy is in line with surrounding districts. If this will negatively impact you, now is the time to speak up and make your feelings known. Norwalk teachers are among the highest paid teacher group in Connecticut (if not the hightest) and have many perks. Do they really need another perk at the expense of other taxpayers?

  11. If this is Mr. Colarossi's intent, I'd like to know his rationale; maybe there is a good reason. And calling him "union puppet" doesn't bolster your argument; rather, it seems childish.

  12. The majority of the teachers who are requesting this "perk" are Norwalk residents and taxpayers - therefore, there is absolutely NO COST to other Norwalk taxpayers. There is a SMALL group of NPS staff who don't live in Norwalk who want their children in NPS and certainly these folks should be charged for this privilege.

  13. NPS staff who do not live in Norwalk can have their children attend Norwalk schools free of charge. That is a long-standing policy. Check it out for yourself. As far as Mr. Colarossi being a union him at board and committee meetings...he constantly defers to union presidents for advice. You may think the comment childish, but his practice is dangerous.

  14. The last few comments are totally off task--much like this school system of late--I mean system of schools(???) Thanks, Dr. Marks for making this clear.

  15. Mr. Colarossi is not trying to push anything through without anyone's knowledge. He has been a huge supporter of the rights of the Norwalk taxpaying NPS teachers. Asked and answered many times. All the teachers want are the same perks as the out of town teachers. This is not rocket science guys. Give the Norwalk teachers, who pay Norwalk taxes, the same perks as the out of town teachers.

    Regarding Dr. Marks. I was not blown away, but I appreciated her honesty and her restraint. I agree with Artie, after meeting her for 1 hour, she would be a good superintendent. Conversely, I would be very suspicious of someone who came in with too much fire. She seemed to have a good balance.

  16. The lady sidestepped ever single question.
    As for the school visit, can we credit the board for requiring that? Things have changed since Corda,this is a good thing, is it not?
    The task is daunting and intimidating but its very doable with the right people. Its a very valid question, is Marks on the mark? It wasn't apparent in her politically correct, dont hit any buttons, scripted circling responses. Another valid question, why is the board fumbling the ball so damn bad? Marks, from the jump, doesnt have one iota of a chance the way the board is handling this.
    If Dr Marks is not interested in pursuing, with priority and due diligence RTTT funding is this the right pick for Norwalk, for that vision? Now we have the unions manuvering, running scared after R.I. Marks has a handle on all this?
    Please, please clue us all in.

  17. Rather than give credence to the utter mischaracterization (by Anon. 3:37) of a recent Policy Committee discussion, and engage in a debate as to whether being respectful to all citizens and their viewpoints isn't just good manners but good governance, I would hope that we can return our attention to the candidacy of Dr. Marks.
    For those wishing to discuss the "out-of-district" policy with me, please don't hesitate to email my thoughts, opinions and questions (

  18. anyone else think there is more than dolphins swimming around Norwalk? Sharks are circling.
    Can't say the sheriff didn't sound the alarm.
    Can you hear that "Jaw's" theme?

  19. 11:10 - can you please stay on topic and stop talking in metaphors? If you have something to say, please say it. All these off-topic, speculative posts are really bringing this great blog down.

  20. I've read the posts the past couple of days. I watched most of the film clip.
    I'm a parent who is really worried about the schools my kids will go to (one is starting K in the fall, the other is a toddler). I like that Dr. Marks is a mom and that she worked her way up through the ranks-- when I worked outside the home, those people were a lot more sympathetic and practical.
    My only question is can you have chutzpah (like an earlier poster said) but not have that real spunk? If I have to choose, I think I'd rather have someone who wants to improve our schools rather than someone who wants to make me feel good about mediocrity.
    For too long, I've read superintendents make excuses (we're understaffed, we're overworked, etc. etc.) and tell me that we've made good enough progress. I don't want that for my kids. They deserve a heckofalot better.

  21. FYI - Maryland’s public education again ranked #1 in the nation in 2010 by Education Week. This adds to Maryland’s rankings by College Board for the second straight year as #1 in the nation for Advanced Placement performance and Newsweek as #1 in the nation for Top Public High Schools in America. We should all be truly proud for these remarkable accomplishments.
    --Nancy S. Grasmick, State Superintendent of Schools

  22. I was very eager to watch the video of Dr.Marks' appearance at the Community Forum. Then, the clip paused about 30 minutes into it, and I could get it to advance any further. Is anyone else having this problem? Anyone know the solution?

  23. I think it would be very helpful to have the benefit of the Board's reasons for choosing Dr. Marks as the sole finalist. What was the hard data that matched her abilities with each of the areas we need to grow as a district? Accountability is needed at the Supt. level. Perhaps Dr. Marks' performance [and contract] needs to be tied to the performance of the District.
    Norwalk teachers requesting that their children attend the schools they work in is a simple request. We do have students shuffled around this district for a host of reasons -- if it makes a teacher's life smoother to have children in their school and the feeder to that school -- why make it harder?
    I have listened to every Board meeting since the new members were elected -- Each is a free thinker and speaker [even when what they say is unpopular to some of the "old guard"] -- That is why they received the vote for their positions on the Board.

  24. Having attended this session I have to wonder if Marks is indeed the right person for this job. Yes, she comes off as intelligent and up for the challenge, and believe me I don't think any candidate really can comprehend the enormous challenge ahead of them. What she lacked was that certain verve -- that energy and interest that a candidate for a job of this magnitude should seemingly possess. I walked away wondering if she indeed intends to accept this position once offered and feeling almost certain she will not take the job. I am wondering if the BOE sought the opinion of Principal McCain from Nathan Hale Middle School, an amazing individual who has been able to turn one school around so efficiently and quickly that he leaves no doubt that he "gets" the bizarre combination of traits necessary for a leader appropriate for this job. I don't know what the candidate pool looked like to get to this position, however, as a parent, taxpayer and resident of Norwalk, I think we owe it to our children to keep looking.

  25. 12:11 - I share your respect for Mr. McCain, but I doubt that the BoE sought his opinion. There are a couple of posters on this site who feel very differently about him, for reasons I don't agree with.

    My hope is that they aren't looking to any of the school system staff for help in identifying their choice for superintendent because there are some who would attempt to influence the board in ways that would benefit the staff members and their personal agendas.

  26. It is important to truly look at the data in Nathan Hale before you comment on how the school turned around. the school growth plan only move 6 students forward to achieve proficiency, and his use of inappropriate terms that have been now changed truly reflect the lack of understanding in the community. students being caled double and tripe threat do not exact point to someon who has all children's interest at hand. A person who is not considered a team player, a collaborative person, and one who cares about many things but not all kids.
    Let's move on and support the candidate of the BOE's choice.

  27. 6:48 - Do you understand how goal and objective setting on a strategic plan works? A school sets a goal but that doesn't mean that they will stop once they attain the goal.

    Saying that Mr. McCain isn't a team player is laughable because there is no team among the middle schools; it's everyone for him/herself. The others don't like him and they make that very clear. The same can be said about collaboration.

    How do you know if he cares about all kids or not? Have you ever had a conversation with him about this?

  28. To clarify I am not advocating McCain for the job of Superintendent. I just think he would make an interesting contribution to the search team. My children do not attend Nathan Hale, but I know dozens who do and absolutely swear by the job he is doing there.
    Ultimately what turned me off about Dr. Marks is that her somewhat light handling of this meet and greet function leaves me wondering if she gets the full magnitude of her mission at Superintendent for our failing school district. We need someone who will come down forcefully and unwavering on the necessary issue resolution strategies and related decisions that must begin if we want to save our school system. I, for one, vote that we keep looking. We cannot afford another Corda disaster.

  29. How does this conversation about Marks morph into a discussion about McCain? I am so sick of hearing his parents defend him in every post.

    He is self-serving. If you actually research the scores, the percentage of minorities and his enrollment numbers, you would see that smoke and mirrors are used to project untrue conclusions.

    Because he was Corda's buddy, he received special attention that the other middle school principals were not afforded. Ask them. He is NOT a team player with his fellow middle school principals.

    He gathered his parents and asked them to drink the cool-aide; now, they continue to interject his name in any sentence that has superintendent in it.

    If he is such a good principal, why are they pushing him out of the building?

    Could the Nathan Hale parents stop whining and embrace their principal and his foibles. He is not the giant among educators that they think he is. Get over the fact that he was not in the running for the superintendency. He is, however, very interested in leaving Norwalk because he has applied for quite a few jobs that, by the way, he has not gotten. I wonder why?

  30. 8:25 - I wonder more about your source of information for all that you claim to be true about Mr. McCain. Is someone having inappropriate conversations about him?

  31. Getting back to the real issue at hand, is it possible/appropriate for the members of the BOE in some public forum to explain to us why they selected Dr. Marks as a finalist? I would be interested in a question/answer format. The BOE obviously got a lot better sense of who Dr. Marks is, what she has accomplished and why she would be good for Norwalk. I don't think this type of substance has been communicated to the public.

    Personally, I am not looking for an entertainer for the superintendent's position. Yes, she could have answered questions more directly or thoroughly but there were time contraints, a variety of public concerns and frankly - even if she was thorough in her homework - it would have been foolish of her to give a detailed personal agenda of what she would do in Norwalk.

    I would like to think we voted the BOE members in because we had confidence in their decisions. We should explore what they saw in Dr. Marks and why they think she is the best candidate.

    Keep the meeting positive and focused. Is this possible?

  32. One can almost guarantee that Marks was not a unanimous choice of this board, and as a matter of public record, it would be interesting to know how they voted on her. That won't happen because they have to project some kind of unity as a board. Don't expect the transparency everybody thought they were going to get, either. Fact is, there is not much out there in the superintendent pool, and anybody that did any homework on this district knew enough to play it carefully. Interestingly enough, the third finalist for the Newton MA superintendency, Dr. Stacy Scott, was also an associate super in Montgomery County MD, AND a minority candidate. Can we find out if he was even considered for Norwalk? Newton transparently, at intervals, pared down its list of candidates during their search. Why didn't this happen in Norwalk after all the hoopla concerning this search. Two interim supers and ONE finalist?? If the answer is, "not that many were interested", it speaks volumes about the reputation of this school district. This is a very different system than Newton, and one hopes that Dr. Marks has figured that out.

  33. I agree about the entertainment posts. If I want entertainment I pay to see those who have the talent and training in entertainment. We have too many orators running around who don't see much outside of themselves.

    I respect this candidate, but I am not enthusiastic about her and it is the board's fault. They should have presented more options and if their weren't any more, they should have kept searching. I want to see a candidate strong enough to deal with the NASA union while getting rid of dead weight among teachers. I think Norwalk has fine Principals with one or two exceptions, but some of the teachers need to be passionate about teaching chidren the formulas/processes behind find answers (not merely getting the right answers)or be put out of NPS. I am tired of people coming to Norwalk and flim-flamming us because the price is right. We allow people to come into our City and play us. Isn't this our home. Don't we love our home that is preparing our children to be the next leaders? Why do we allow this? Our taxes have been raised and yet we are getting the same ol' same ol' evasiveness. I don't think this board is trying to pull anything malicious. I just think they are not being fair to the people who elected them. At best, the BOE should give us their rationale for choosing Dr. Marks and tell us why they think she "gets" Norwalk. This is not an easy City.

  34. A superintendent with "flash" often gets a district someone who is more perception than reality.

    Is Dr. Marks intelligent?
    Does she have decent interpersonal skills?

    Does she have a record that suggests that she has a good work ethic?

    Will she be wise enough to see through the people who will try to take advantage of her?

    Will she be wise enough to recognize those who will be undermining her with their behind-the-scenes activities? (Some of these people work on the 3rd floor.) Will she be tough enough to put these people into their place?

    Does she seem to have integrity? Will she tell the board what she thinks, as opposed to what she thinks the board members want to hear?

    The right answers to these questions can give Norwalk a superintendent - Dr. Marks. The wrong answers can give Norwalk a repeat of the past couple of superintendents.

  35. Let's keep looking. There is too much at stake.

  36. I for one am hoping that she does not accept the offer. Her answers were canned and she is another retiree. Norwalk does not have the time to get an out-of-state person up to speed on what the State Dept expects out of us and to get an understanding of our state tests. We need action now. We need a leader who understands Connecticut requirements and who gets Norwalk. Show us some gosh darn choices, BOE, don't just give us one candidate and try to hoodwink us into thinking we had a say in it. No need to pack your carpet bag, Dr. Marks. We've had enough of your type who come from out of state as a retiree to jump on the fatted calf for hearty meal of seconds.

  37. I think she is a very smart woman, a quick study, asked a few questions, and came up with what some wanted to hear--system of schools versus a school system, we all know that. The district without leadership and accountability have perpetuated this. So she picked up on this. She asked questions, found out we had two math programs for one district, and said nix to that idea, asked about language arts, and heard how many different strategies and programs, viola! a system of schools, two high schools very different programs and does that make sense! then the middle schools NHMS does what he wants, West Rocks, and the others the same. We do need fresh ideas, energy, and if she has it fine, but if not keep the torch blazing for what is right for this community. I have been around way to long, and have worked for many superintendents, Sloan being the best, the most dedicated, and the BOE even hurt him in the end when he tried to redistrict and he went packing.

  38. School system vs. system of schools has been around a LONG time. Those who have not heard this before have not been in the education world.

    Dr. Marks is not for Norwalk. Keep looking, BOE, if you are listening...The elementary principals will eat her alive.

  39. Nothing new in what she has said. Her replies do not show vision. I hope she has more than this as a presentation. It's not at all impressive.

    I agree that even Sal Corda spoke about a system of schools compared to school system. Same old same old speeches. Let's try for better.

  40. "System of schools" pre-dates Sal Corda. I think it started with the Herbert/Riccio regime.

  41. Gang, whether it's old news or brand-spanking-new info, the little red schoolhouse mentality and isolationist tendencies of our principals needs to be addressed. Marks is willing to tackle it. Corda might have talked about it, but he did nothing, and it certainly didnt bother Papaload.

    As for the meet and greet, lets be serious-- the old timers on the BOE were showing her around. These folks shut out the newbies, so you can expect that Marks was told squat about what the public deserved to know. Sure Marks was a little stiff-- but I can't help but think that Rivas, Haynie and Colorossi saw something and supported her during the interviews (those 3 wouldn't keep quiet if they thought she was a bad choice).

    Regarding younger candidates--- anyone without the potential to collect a pension would have to think twice about giving up a safe job to come to Norwalk. Lots of political change, a BOE that has a few members to publicly question a superintendent and a well-informed bunch of parents make this a tough place to guarantee long-term job security.

  42. What am I missing? Really. Someone with tons of experience wants to come to Norwalk.
    A great school system in Mass. thought enough of her to make her a finalist.
    Our divided and bickering school board is united behind her.
    I know she's not Dadonna (sorry to his supporters) and she's not McCain (sorry to his fans, as well). But she is bright, and she'd be our first WOMAN SUPERINTENDENT. Talk about sending a great message to all those groups of students (our girls included) who feel that they've never been represented in top management.

  43. we do live in a bias world even if we say it aint so. but having a woman superintendent with no agenda, no good old boy promises, maybe what norwalk needs. I am not a supporter of either of those two mentioned administrators. I just wan my tax dollars to support the right person for all of norwalk's kids. Gender should not matter, but sadly it has played out in Norwalk, we have had super after super and other than Dr. Sloan we have not had good leaders. Too bad way back that the woman who has turned around windsor couldn't come here, and corda was selected. was it because he talked like a smooth salesman full of promises, and she was a smart woman, and maybe a threat to many. who knows we can only speculate. i would like to see a strong leader before my children move on, and before more of norwalk's children fail! Time to speak up folks, we have a voice we must show up and speak up or forever pay your tax and be unhappy with children failing in schools........and yes a system of little school houses not connected, just bobbing around in a flood zone of politics at its worst.

  44. yes a change in the suit may be what this district needs. Someone not concerned about a golf game, but concerned about the academic challenges of this district. You go Susan! Don't let some of the comments scare you. They are written the the same ones who attack all that strive to make a difference. You will have support on your side. There are many who are fed up with the status quo and mediocrity of the schools, union leadership and politico actions.
    Virginia have come along way baby...

  45. Way to go 11:20 and 11:25-- finally good to read comments from real people like my husband and me and our neighbors.
    Won't it be nice to have a leader who won't try to convince us that everything is good enough?
    Plus, an outsider will be able to promote the great folks who are helping our kids and finally get rid of the dead wood-- plus, won't it be nice to have someone with experience in special ed?

  46. I see no reason to want a Norwalk insider for the superintendency. There is too much baggage there, including what I suspect to be animosity between the two insiders whom people most frequently mention. If there is anything that Norwalk already has in surplus, it is animosity.

    An insider has those who are loyal to him, and whom he will likely want to protect. Norwalk needs a fresh start with someone who hasn't been part of the problem (and who doesn't lamely continue to blame Sal Corda) and who is much more likely to see things for what they really are.

    To those who have commented on the "school system" versus the "system of schools," I say that Norwalk has three school systems, each of which consists of a system of schools.

    There is the high school system of schools, which consists of three schools that are about as different as can be, even to the point of having three entirely different organizational structures and school schedules. Added to that is that the three schools have three different levels of per pupil funding.

    There is the middle school system of schools, which consists of four middle schools that are also quite different. I wonder how much collaboration takes place among them. No I don't wonder. I know the answer.

    Then there is the elementary school system of schools, which consists of twelve different schools that have principals who have a long history of acting independently. I very much doubt that collaboration exists there either.

    The fact that no one has ever brought the schools together is yet another reason to hire from outside the Norwalk Public Schools.

  47. Change of gender? Remember Dr. Grey, the female assistant superintendent who left town without notice and sued the district? You really think a woman will make a difference? The good ole boys are sharpening their tongues as we speak! AND they are laughing as they drink their beverages on Friday afternoons.

    The system of schools will be around until certain people retire. There is no way out. Grow up Norwalk parents and face reality. I'm very sure of what I am telling you. Yes, it is doom and gloom, but there is no way around it. How are you going to do away with the good ole boys network? Are you really serious???? The only way to get rid of them is to buy them out. They would welcome the opportunity to sweeten their retirement pot. Maybe that's even the game they are playing as some of them are nearing retirement.
    Disgusting, isn't it?

  48. Lest we forget the infamous Dr. Grey, of the original show, "Grey's Anatomy", where she dissected the City of Norwalk for about a quarter of a million dollars, and nobody ever batted an eyelash. Believe it. It really happened. Got to wonder if any present board members even know about her. We don't have the same dynamic going on with Dr. Marks, (those in the know will know), but one has come to believe that Norwalk is now the Las Vegas of "systems of schools", and if you play your cards right, your salary is just the beginning of your gambling experience. Thanks, 3:24, for some grounding reality of how we really have actually regressed in the last 10 years. As TV sage Will Sonnett(Walter Brennan) once said, "No brag,...just fact". The old boys network is just that---OLD, and won't be there much longer. However, one has to wonder if it just might be able to hold out long enough to eclipse Susan's tenure, as she appears ready to embark upon the retirement sweepstakes. Norwalk, place your bets...too late, the roulette wheel has begun to spin.

  49. I don't know who Dr. Grey is, but if she sued the district and won--signs are they descriminated against her, and all the more to get rid of those boys, who spend fridays at the inn plotting and strategizing. shame on this district for allowing the children to suffer. shame on this district for allowing union heads to call the shots. it is not about kids it's about filling their pockets.
    how come the nft head does not teach, doesn't attend meetings that he is asked to, and does what he wants. does anyone know how much he makes, it is more than the superintendent...and what does he do....protect those he shouldn't, support those who in the real world would not be employed, and deny children a quality of education they deserve. we need a leader, and if marks is it...let's rally for change...let's rally for kids, let's move forward and get rid of the mentality of "it's not in the contract, and let our kids suffer."
    time for all kinds of change...let the unions look at their leadeship...and realize all of them need to go.

  50. Again, after all is said and done, WHY WAS ONLY ONE CANDIDATE PRESENTED TO US? You can debate here all you want ( and it seems the majority want to keep the search open), but the fact still remains that we haven't even heard about others interviewed. I agree with a previous post that too much is at stake for this to be a done deal.

    Where is Colorassi? He normally responds to posts?

  51. Calling Steve Colorassi........

    Are you aware of the lack of confidence in this one candidate?

    Do you realize that NOTHING she said is new or innovative?

    Why are you agreeing with the boe to hire a retiree from another district? We know how attractive Norwalk is for retirees... Another one?????????

    She is no match for our union heads, our resistant match for Norwalk.

    Why her? She wasn't appointed in Newton. I don't care if she made it as a finalist. Maybe they needed a female in the mix. We don't know. Were there no other candidates?

