A version of this story appears in TheDailyNorwalk.com
Three elementary schools will have new after-school care providers this school year. Cranbury and Silvermine Elementary schools selected After the Bell, a program organized by the Norwalk Public Schools and the Norwalk Education Foundation. "We are pleased that the program is expanding," said Lauren Rosato, foundation executive director. For the past two years, After the Bell has been operating in Kendall and Rowayton Elementary Schools.
Tracey Elementary School is switching to ACHIEVE. The three schools previously worked with the YMCA for after-school services. This year, the YMCA will partner with After the Bell.
After the Bell provides on-site before- and after-school care from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. as well as homework help and enrichment activities such as dance, cooking, arts and sports. Teachers and staff members teach the enrichment classes, which are open to the entire school. Funded in part by local foundations, After the Bell has sliding-scale tuition.
Each year, elementary school principals select their providers in consultation with parents and staff. "We chose After the Bell this year because it has a better connection with the school day and is better suited to parents' needs," says Robin Ives, principal at Cranbury. Ives adds that After the Bell has a direct link with the classroom because students get help from teachers they know.
Although the YMCA is no longer the sole provider of after-school care for Cranbury and Silvermine, it still will provide staff to After the Bell, says Heather Klein, newly hired director of child-care services at the YMCA. "Our staff are very excited and open to this arrangement," says Klein.
Here is a list of providers at the 12 elementary schools:
Brookside: ACHIEVE
Columbus: YMCA
Cranbury: After the Bell
Fox Run: YMCA
Jefferson: ACHIEVE
Kendall: After the Bell
Naramake: Family Resource Center
Rowayton: After the Bell
Silvermine: After the Bell
Wolfpit: ACHIEVE
Three elementary schools will have new after-school care providers this school year. Cranbury and Silvermine Elementary schools selected After the Bell, a program organized by the Norwalk Public Schools and the Norwalk Education Foundation. "We are pleased that the program is expanding," said Lauren Rosato, foundation executive director. For the past two years, After the Bell has been operating in Kendall and Rowayton Elementary Schools.
Tracey Elementary School is switching to ACHIEVE. The three schools previously worked with the YMCA for after-school services. This year, the YMCA will partner with After the Bell.
After the Bell provides on-site before- and after-school care from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. as well as homework help and enrichment activities such as dance, cooking, arts and sports. Teachers and staff members teach the enrichment classes, which are open to the entire school. Funded in part by local foundations, After the Bell has sliding-scale tuition.
Each year, elementary school principals select their providers in consultation with parents and staff. "We chose After the Bell this year because it has a better connection with the school day and is better suited to parents' needs," says Robin Ives, principal at Cranbury. Ives adds that After the Bell has a direct link with the classroom because students get help from teachers they know.
Although the YMCA is no longer the sole provider of after-school care for Cranbury and Silvermine, it still will provide staff to After the Bell, says Heather Klein, newly hired director of child-care services at the YMCA. "Our staff are very excited and open to this arrangement," says Klein.
Here is a list of providers at the 12 elementary schools:
Brookside: ACHIEVE
Columbus: YMCA
Cranbury: After the Bell
Fox Run: YMCA
Jefferson: ACHIEVE
Kendall: After the Bell
Naramake: Family Resource Center
Rowayton: After the Bell
Silvermine: After the Bell
Wolfpit: ACHIEVE
After the Bell has a 5:30 late bus for kids included in the price. It is a very good program.