A version of this story appears in TheDailyNorwalk.com
Representatives from each Norwalk school PTO met on Wednesday night to elect new officers of the PTO Council, the group of parents who address district-wide concerns. Except for one returning member, the rest of the board is made up of new members who ran uncontested.
At the well-attended meeting in the West Rocks library , Emily Aguilar, the lone returning member, reminded the audience that the organization was struggling at the end of last year. "It's thanks to the hard work by the nominating committee over the summer that we have this group of people," Aguilar said. "I am excited about a brand new team."
The new officers are Lisa Lenskold, President, Kerry O'Neill, Vice President, Jeffrey Spahr, Vice-President of Education, Emily Aguilar, Vice President of Administration, Jannie Williams, Corresponding Secretary and Sherelle Harris, treasurer.
After the elections, Superintendent Susan Marks gave her first presentation to the parent group. She stressed that the district's focus on making sure that all students are "college ready." She cited 1650 as a target SAT score for most universities. "We need a rigorous 21st century education, not just one that meets NCLB standards," Marks said. "Rigor" was a recurring word in her remarks. "We need to increase the rigor of middle school and high school," she said. In addition, Marks added that the curriculum must be consistent across schools and stressed the need for more time in the school calendar and during the school day focused on instruction.
Representatives from each Norwalk school PTO met on Wednesday night to elect new officers of the PTO Council, the group of parents who address district-wide concerns. Except for one returning member, the rest of the board is made up of new members who ran uncontested.
At the well-attended meeting in the West Rocks library , Emily Aguilar, the lone returning member, reminded the audience that the organization was struggling at the end of last year. "It's thanks to the hard work by the nominating committee over the summer that we have this group of people," Aguilar said. "I am excited about a brand new team."
The new officers are Lisa Lenskold, President, Kerry O'Neill, Vice President, Jeffrey Spahr, Vice-President of Education, Emily Aguilar, Vice President of Administration, Jannie Williams, Corresponding Secretary and Sherelle Harris, treasurer.
After the elections, Superintendent Susan Marks gave her first presentation to the parent group. She stressed that the district's focus on making sure that all students are "college ready." She cited 1650 as a target SAT score for most universities. "We need a rigorous 21st century education, not just one that meets NCLB standards," Marks said. "Rigor" was a recurring word in her remarks. "We need to increase the rigor of middle school and high school," she said. In addition, Marks added that the curriculum must be consistent across schools and stressed the need for more time in the school calendar and during the school day focused on instruction.
Congratulations to Emiley Aguilare who worked so diligently over the summer with other volunteers to form a new PTOC team. Her hard work and dedication to the PTOC is to be commended. I wish much success to all the new officers as well.