
Thursday, June 9, 2011

DTC Picks Murray for School Board

Rosa Murray is back on the Norwalk Board of Education. Murray, a District A Democrat, was selected unanimously Wednesday evening by the Norwalk Democratic Town Committee to replace departing school board member Susan Hamilton.

"I am very excited to serve the Norwalk community as an experienced and now returning board member," said Murray, a former chair of the Board of Education. "I look forward to establishing relationships with board members and create a culture of working together to respond to the needs of the district."

Murray had served four consecutive four-year terms — that's 16 years — before losing her seat in the 2009 election. In that election, three incumbent Democrats were defeated, shifting the balance of power on the board 5-4 in favor of Republicans. Murray says that she has been attending meetings regularly over the last year and a half "to be knowledgeable about the work at hand."

Murray steps in during the final days of an arduous budget reconciliation. "I've been there before with a tight budget. I plan to work in a bipartisan collaborative way with my fellow board members."

"Rosa’s previous service to the BOE means that there is no need for on the job training," says Democratic Town Chair Marc Bradley. "I look forward to having such a strong Democratic voice back on the board.”

"Rosa has a sense of history with the community," says Jodi-Bishop Pullan, senior Board of Education member. "She also knows the process. That experience is useful since there is a lot of new staff and we are short-staffed." Norwalk's Superintendent Susan Marks and Chief Operating Officer Craig Drezek have been at their jobs less than a year.

Murray has two daughters who have graduated from Norwalk High Schools. She is a past president of Parents for Norwalk High. Currently, she is the guardian and active grandmother of two children who attend Norwalk schools. 

Hamilton is leaving her school board position after 7 1/2 years because she is moving to Westport. Last month, Republican Artie Kassimis replaced Erin Halsey, who also left the school board to take a job as city clerk.


  1. I don't blame the administrators leaving Norwalk for other communities. As a result of all the negativity focused on educators in Norwalk, who would want to work here? Good luck to all who are leaving and retiring. At least you don't have to work in such a negative environment. Maybe the superintendent in those communities will lead with a positive attitude.

  2. Welcome back Rosa

  3. Happy to see Rosa on the BOE!

  4. 6:26 here. Sorry, my post was meant for the article about administrators retiring and leaving. I posted my response in the wrong place. *blush*

  5. 6:26, what makes you think we are alone? They are going to a community with it's own negativity, how about crazy stressful redistricting proposals every few years, principals moved within the schools against their will. I agree with you that negativity is annoying but it is not unique to Norwalk.

  6. Who knows why The DTC didn't listen to the voters-- we rejected Rosa and her team in the last election. I think we all have to hope that she won't bring the school board back to the last dysfunctional year of the Corda regime.

  7. Corda was responsible for what happened then.

  8. Why would anyone want someone who was voted OUT of her role to be put back into it. Why not pick some fresh blood.

  9. There was so much cry about minority representation that DTC is now covering their ........ You know what I mean. I can't wait to see her in action - I'm sure she is going to prove something since the voters did not believe in her before. I would of preferred Gregg instead but hey!

  10. Eee-gads!
    Let's be clear, Mrs. Murray was a rubber stamp for most of the years of the Corda reign. Then, she just went in attack mode.
    But put all that aside and ask yourself if she ever stood up to all of Corda's scare tactics at budget time? Did she ever once have the BOE vote to reject some of the craziest cuts before the final vote? NFW, my friends, NFW.

  11. Well, the Republicans are not happy....
    Rosa, don't listen to anyone here. Welcome back!

  12. See, I just don't get how the BOE should be split along D + R lines. For me it really needs to be about whether anyone on the BOE, other than Rivas and Colarossi, are willing to QUESTION what the superintendent's priorities are.
    Can Ms. Murray contribute positively to this environment? We'll know better tomorrow night. That's when she can either side with the superintendent and crush the elementary schools or work toward a compromise that's good for all our kids. My Dem friends say she'll side with the kids-- let's hope!

  13. I asked myself how this disfunctional BOE could get any worse, and my question has been answered. Let's just go back in time and appoint Rosa Murray! I think it's time to start thinking about changing the City Charter, this BOE model is not working for this city.

  14. I do believe Rosa will side with the kids. She will not be afraid to go against the Super's ill advised cuts.

  15. 9.59am, I am also in hopes that she stands for the kids. I have some reservations because out of all the meetings that took place on the budget, not once did I see her show some sort of care or ideas to the budget. What happens tomorrow will really be on what the Finance comittee has suggested. I think it is late for her to tackle issues or inquire on information that has been going back and forth for some time. If anything she will sit back and agree with what the Finance brings forth. I hope I am wrong on this.

  16. The back and fourth, year after year, doing the same thing with the same people, and we expect different results? Really? The observation that the entire model is dysfuntional and needs to be addressed is, "spot on" the mark. Better leadership from Hartford and from D.O.E's Secretary Arne Duncan is desperately needed. Unfortunately, that leadership doesnt look fourthcoming anytime soon. Duncan is correct about one thing, change isnt going to come from the top down, its going to take a bottom, grass roots raising hell campiagn to actually get the education train back on the track. Note to Arne, isnt it time you stopped playing with the train set and the slow mo wrecks and actually accomplish something, anything? Clocks running out, R.T.T.Top became R.T.T.Bottom. Adapt or become irrelevant. How many more children are we going to let down? How many more generations?
    Enough with the discussions already, ACTION Duncan, ACTION or resign. Your plan is to lower standards? Really???

