
Monday, January 31, 2011

CGS Cancels Egypt Field Trip

A version of this story appears in

Connor Murphy will have to wait to visit Egypt. The high school senior's field trip to Egypt was canceled Sunday evening. "It's disappointing," said Connor, a fourth year Arabic student at Center for Global Studies who had put off the trip until his last year of high school. "I wanted to make sure I had enough Arabic under my belt."

Murphy is one of 15 students from CGS who were scheduled to leave for Cairo next week. In the last week, however, tens of thousands of protestors have taken to the streets of major Egyptian cities in anti-governments protests, calling for their president to step down. There have been reports of violence, rioting and clashes between civilians and police.

A group of parents, students and administrators met Sunday evening at Brien McMahon. Earlier in the day, the U.S. State Department issued a travel alert telling US citizens to avoid travel to Egypt. "We canceled the trip. There was no questioning the decision," global studies Director Roslynne McCarthy said after the meeting. "The kids and their parents have been watching the events unfold on CNN and BBC."

McCarthy is surprised by how quickly the protests grew.

"We are all really stunned at how quickly things have escalated," she said. "Just last week, we were meeting and thought we were going. But given the recent events, the decision was made for us."

Though disappointed, Murphy understands. "I've been following the news ever since the uprising started," he says. "It was inevitable."

Murphy's goal is to work for the U.S. State Department and be stationed in the Middle East. "I plan on making trips to the Middle East in future, so I'm not too heartbroken," he says.

McCarthy said that she'll work with the group's travel agent to try to recoup the students' deposits. "I hope to get a good portion back." The Board of Education is scheduled to discuss the trip at its Tuesday meeting, said Assistant Superintendent Tony Dadonna, who attended the Sunday meeting.

McCarthy said several students had already made contact with their Egyptian host families through Facebook. "There is a personal connection now. The kids and parents are saying, 'Now we have friends in Egypt. We are praying for their safety.'"


  1. Sorry to hijack this thread, but could someone please address the secretarial issue that is brewing at central office? It appears that the superintendent is supporting overlooking the secretarial contract in the appointment of a secretary for the Director of Elementary Education. There is a process by which secretaries are appointed to available positions. It's not just given to a friend of the Director of Elementary Education. Sorry again to be off topic, but I am upset over the way this appears to be going. I didn't know where else to post. Moina, perhaps you could look into this matter?

  2. 7:35, I think that you need to be worrying about your real job and take care of business.

    It is time to stop the dance of the lemons in NPS. Aides, teachers, administrators, secretaries - we are all paid very well. If someone can't do the job, they need to leave. They should not be rewarded with a promotion.

  3. These comments seem like an inside job...

  4. I am not on the inside, but I do know of the unfairness of what is happening. The contract for the secretaries should be adhered to. This complaint is not about personalities. This is about a contract, a legal agreement. I am sad to see this deteriorate to the personal level. That is truly unprofessional.

  5. Profesionalisim in N.P.S. in Norwalk Government? Lol, Lol,Roflmao. Professionialism, Norwalk, Lol, Lol, Lol. Someone, in fact many, are not paying attention.

  6. Puleeze! You are on the inside, way inside, if you are making these comments. I am sure that if the person in question was qualified and competent, it wouldn't be an issue.

    Bring your little fight out into the daylight. The contracts put people in place because they have been a warm body in a chair. Doing nothing. For years. Can this person handle all of the aspects of the job? Or are you just working overtime on sabotage?

  7. Getting back to the thread, canceling the trip to Egypt was a no brainer. We can't send our kids into this area of the world right now. It's just too volatile.

    Keep up with the Arabic, it will open many doors for you in the future.

  8. Let's get back to professionalism. Abide by the process.

  9. The person in question is not a part of this argument. If you don't like the contract, change it. This is an argument of what is legal.
    Moina, I think you can determine the interest in this subject. Legal issues are not to be scoffed at. Will the Director of Elementary Education get to hire a friend or will the letter of the contract be followed. Moina, I believe this is a story for you.

  10. Whill we are at it will you find out what the director of elementary Ed actually does to support teachers?

  11. Some of these comments sound like a wanabe whistle blower to save there own ass, why don't you spend more time judging yourself and your career before you judge others. Some comments are so ridiculous. We don't know what goes on behind close doors and others go by what they hear or someone blogs about. Why don't we focus on the article and be professional and not bash an individual. Everytime an article comes out about central office or Norwalk Public Schools it seems to be attack a Board member, secretary or teacher etc. Some comments being made sound like its someone on the inside. You discuss about professionalism in your comments but, you act like a kindergarden attending school with my son at Cranbury. I am sure no ones perfect but no need to always have negative views whether you don't agree with someone's actions or points. How about acting like a mature grown up and respecting people. You sound envious in your comments. I sure hope you don't work for the board of education because you sound like you are an "inside person!" I wouldn't want you making any BIG decisions with your pompus attitude and negative views!

  12. The comment above me. You are right! Stop trying to throw the book at central office. Grow up some of you. You act like a zoo on here. Some new girls are in town time, to get rid of the norwalk employees who have done nothing year after year and have moved up in positions to make big boy decisions. It always seems like men attacking women on here. Envious much? Let's see what people have to offer. We already know what the old timers have offered abosolutely shit! Nothing like year after year. Let's give these people a chance it would be nice ! I would love to know what Central office member is blogging. You seem to have "balls" to blog but you remain anonymous shows you are a coward. I hope our new Superindent rings you out! You are a weak link and a horrible "cabinet member." I hope as a parent you learn how to be professional. Or get the hell out! Norwalk has enough of the good ol' people who need to retire, do us all a favor and get out. I have my praise in our new superindent she has made some right decisions and I hope she continues to. I also hope she realizes someone on her payroll is blogging about inside things it seems like. Fire this blogger Susan!

  13. This is directed at the two people who commented above. First of all, let me straighten you out on the fact that I am NOT a central office person. Other people hear what is going on at central office too.
    Second of all, I am asking for a legal document to be followed, a contract. I am NOT slandering this secretary. You are. You are also negatively commenting on some of the other people at central office. In some cases, you are clearly discriminating by age. Are you aware that age discrimination is illegal? Perhaps you two commenters believe in slandering people but certainly don't believe in the law. Sure seems that way!

  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you 9:37! You put it very well. This blogger took confidential personnel information and put it out in this forum. He doesn't have the courage to sign his name, so this seems like junior high nonsense. But it is nonsense that can ruin careers and lives, and it's bringing NPS down. It does always seem like boys (and believe me, I use this term loosely) against girls here.

    This person is engaging in backbiting, scheming, plotting and gossip. Imagine how we might be able to move the district forward if a fraction of this energy went into reform?

    His behavior is unprofessional and subversive. He needs to go.

  15. Who says this is a he??????

    Sounds like someone in central office. Sounds like the person who is trying to deny the contract exists. Very interesting development.

  16. 5:53 confirmed that something confidential and illegal is going on. I applaud the person who had the balls to put it out on this blog. What's with the person who is trying to squelch it? What happened to the transparency we were promised as parents?

  17. Where there is smoke, there is fire! What is at the bottom of all of this? Are we learning that 'friends' get put into high places again? I thought things were changing in NPS. Seems like the same ole same ole.

  18. I am the original person who commented on the topic of central office. Let me tell you that I believe all 19 schools know about what is going on with the secretarial position. I didn't want to have to say this, but is was a 'she' who first told. I don't think it is fair to blame someone else and that is why I am telling now.

    It is very obvious that it is a 'she' at central office who is very angry about these comments. Guess who?

    The truth will come out in the end when a certain secretary is appointed to the Director of Elementary Education's position.

  19. The problem at the heart of this issue is like a cancer in our system. People who do not have the skill set to do jobs are "appointed" because of the amount of years they have put in. We call that seat time. Bloggers here are pointing to the contract and 'legal document' to justify their position.

    Here is the real issue: Does this certain secretary have the skill set to do the job in 2011? In the real world, where there are job vacancies people have to actually apply and show they are qualified. Imagine that.

  20. The problem is that 9:31 and others seem to think that a contract, or a legal document means nothing. If you don't like the document, change it. Steve Colorassi, I hope you are reading this. You, of all people, should know that people can't just disregard a legal document. That's called illegal. Next, if we decide not to follow the special education laws, I guess that's okay too? Or if Norwalk decides to only provide 178 days of school this year, that's okay too?

  21. I do read (as well as The Hour and and appreciate the often honest discussion of important educational issues.
    I do become concerned, however, when a thread is hijacked to attack a particular employee. What is a especially distressing to me is that the Board of Education is responsible (under the City Charter) for all hiring (as opposed to other school districts where the school board only hires the superintendent who is then responsible for all hiring). So, if there was to be a position created, I would expect that the BOE would have that on its agenda (just like it would if there were to be persons promoted to administrative posts-- which is required by the City Charter and the BOE's policies). I have not seen any new administrative hires or promotions on BOE agendas over the past month.
    As I often write here, if you have particular concerns about what you feel is amiss in our school department, you are free to contact any of the members of the BOE.
    I look forward to receiving emails (or phone calls) from our citizens and try to respond directly to those that are addressed to me. (

  22. Steve, this is a secretarial position. The person holding the current position is retiring. It is not a newly created position. It is going under the radar because a 'friend' is to be hired. I think that's the gist of it.

  23. If the person currently in a position retires, in the real world it creates what is called a 'vacancy.' According to the collective bargaining agreement for the NFEP, in the case of a vacancy, the position would be posted and interested parties would apply.

    Applicants would be interviewed, qualifications checked, and the best person would be hired. Just like in the real world. Imagine that. That the director of elementary education would be able to hire a qualified assistant. It seems like that is all anyone is asking for. There is a faction here on this blog conducting a smear campaign, in this thread and on many others. It is small minded, subversive and vindictive.

  24. No. 6:48, it isn't that simple. The only smear campaign is the one conducted by the person who wants a 'friend' to become the next secretary. Let me explain. There are different levels for secretaries. The secretary who should be appointed, that is according to the contract, is being smeared. She is the one who is being referred to as unqualified, possibly by the person who doesn't want her. I am stating that she is definitely qualified. It is unfair to this person to say she is not. Not only is she qualified, but I now understand that appointing her would save the district money.
    I am not small minded,nor a I subversive. Vindictive? I don't even know where that came from. Hurling comments like that makes me realize how desperate you really are.

  25. The tone of these comments is becoming too personal. Contract adherence is important and I've called around about this issue. If I get responses I'll write a story. And as Steve says above if you have a specific complaint you should feel free to contact any BOE member.

    Let's close further comments on this issue.

  26. Thank you, Moina. I vote for a story that you write.

  27. I've got to say that as an educator in the NPS, I am appalled by the language in the posts above. I urge my colleagues to refrain sinking to this level. Argue with the strength of your convictions, not with trashy language. You make us all look bad when you do that.

  28. I'm appalled that the position wasn't posted to allow a qualified person to apply. Just because one has the same grade level as the 'retiree' doesn't mean they are qualified. Sounds like what happen here was same old politics, it's who you know around these parts. Sucks!!!

  29. Was the position posted? I think it's still about a legal document. Whether it should be posted or not needs clarification.

