
Monday, January 24, 2011

Snow Day Number 4: Who's Counting?

Are you counting snow days? Last Friday, Norwalk schools were closed for the fourth time this year. According to the 2010-2011 NPS calendar and my calculation, this means the last day of school will be June 24th. With more snow expected this week and almost two months of winter left to go, we should all be wondering if the school year will last until July.

Days off from school don’t only affect kids. Many working parents are worried about their work schedules and the expense of paying for extra babysitting. An employer might understand one snow day, maybe two a year, but four, six, eight? For those who work from home, productivity plummets when “Mom! I need…” interrupts phone calls and memos. I know one working mom who is dipping into the vacation fund to pay for all the extra babysitting.

Many teachers I’ve talked to have expressed concern about how they’ll ever get through all the material they need cover before high stakes testing—CMTs, CAPT, AP exams.

Okay, maybe the kids are psyched. A few extra days to prepare for the science fair, a book report, a midterm exam. More time outside or in front of one screen or another.

Everyone is worried that this year may be a repeat of last year when many students and teachers sweltered in classrooms until June 29. Last year, we learned last year that the State requires 181 days of school and Department of Education rarely gives waivers on that number, even for freakish March storms that bring down countless trees.

On Friday, Superintendent Susan Marks said, “ I will be working with the board on how the days will be made up.” Last year, Norwalk did not take away any days from spring break after the March storm, but other school districts in the area did.

How are the snow days affecting you? Would you prefer that the school year be extended or days get taken away from Spring Break?


  1. A few suggestions...

    - Cut short or eliminate the Winter Recess or the Spring Recess. As you mentioned, other school systems did that last year e.g. Greenwich.

    - Move the March 25 "Professional Day" until after the school year.

    - Saturday School. Yes I said it. My friend's son in North Carolina is making up a snow day by going to school on a Saturday.

    Extending the school year until into the last week of June or early July does not work out since most of the schools do not have a/c and the teachers and kids are burnt out.

  2. I agree that adding to the end of the year is not productive. Adding to the winter break is an idea, of course if we do not have a snow storm then. Winter break is before testing so on that point it makes sense.

    Spring break lessens the worry of snow but is after important testing.

  3. *Most of the schools have a/c

    **Do away with 1/2 days at the end of the year...

    ***Eliminate winter break.. ridiculously timed excess time-off

  4. Eliminate winter break, why do we have 3 week long holidays every year and so many other days off?

  5. 1:42 PM:
    The "1/2" days at the end of the year are not really 1/2 days. They are 2 hour early dismissals. So we can't say combine two 1/2 days into 1 full day.

  6. Get rid of Feb vacation--whoever has tix should be ganted a waiver--kids need the time to get ready for exams. Studenst have already gotten too many days off.

    I thought there was a committee to look into eliminating the Feb vacation? We are a district in need of improvement....we do not need a Feb break that causes many kids to forget their test prep and have to start over upon their return to school. One vacation week the end of March/early April is enough.

    Let;s get rid of at least a few days from Feb break.....

  7. I think the comment about half days was not to combine the days but actually make them academic days (as best as Norwalk can) - no Disney movie, class clean-up....

  8. Most teachers in Norwalk are makihg 60k,70k,80k,..Some over that amount..Should i really feel sorry for interruptions of their vacations and days off..For most their workday is only 5 or 6 hours long,and 10 months per year..Talk about gravy?,,Extending the school year would be a splendid idea.

  9. YES! I mean NO! No Disney movies, no movies at all. No candy! No making the kids clean up and pack up. No early dismissal.. take school serious till the end. They are there to learn, but not spend the day in "indoor recess" playing games while staff checks out.

  10. Last time I checked, school was not a substitute for a babysitting service. I have little sympathy for comments that talk about the hardships of hiring babysitters because snow days have been called to protect the safety of students, teachers, and busdrivers. Go ahead and have fun now attacking me for speaking the truth.

  11. I agree that we should eliminate the February break. Other districts have done this and, as was stated earlier, this is valuable test preparation time.

  12. most schools do NOT have a/c!
    there is a minimum number of days the state mandates we go to school, making short days into full days does not add days to the year so they wouldn't count as make up still snows in Feb. would be safer to take days from April even though testing is in March...since the entire state has missed so many days how about moving the testing back a week? Individual districts can't do that but can't the state do it?

  13. This year take the days from the April break. Next year why not just have a week off in March rather than one week each in Feb. & April.

  14. 10:13 PM - Babysitting is not the issue here. It is more about how best to make up the snow days in a productful manner for our children.

  15. The Norwalk Public School calendar has June 21 through June 30 marked as possible make-up days for just this reason. Before we start changing vacation schedules we should use those days that have been set aside and for which we should all be prepared for our children to attend school. I agree with everyone who says that the last days of school should have sound educational content not be early summer-camp. Until our school scores improve we have no business not using time at school to actually teach the kids something.

  16. Moina
    Can you please follow up with the Dr. Marks about the Calendar comittee. They should be looking into this - can she provide feedback.

  17. Will do. I was just thinking about following up on the Calendar Committee today.

  18. Thanks Moina--we should look into onevacation week, preferably after state testing--it makes sense!

  19. 4:33am - if you check the surrounding districts they do have the same breaks as Norwalk. I've spoken to many parents about the breaks and most, unlike the ones that have made comments on this blog, have planned their vacation time around the breaks. Teachers claim that breaks are important for them not just to rest but to catch up on whatever it is that they need. They also claim that statistics shows that kids need that time off...although I have yet to see those statistics. I believe that it is 'custom' and 'habit'.

    The calendar committee needs to update us with what they are working on - can't wait on the update Moina

  20. You can change the days off and the days in school, but the fact remains that there will be 181 days of school as required by the state. If you combine or eliminate vacations school will get out earlier in June which would give schools the opportunity to have more days for the school year summer school ONLY if the money is there to fund it.

  21. Days made up in June when students and teachers are sweltering in classrooms are never productive so let's not pretend that they are.
    A one week March vacation scenario was tried in the past and it was not favorable. Students and staff need a break from all of the illness and grind of CMT and other tests. Let's remember that snow days are called for safety reasons not to have a vacation! If the city could plow faster and better maybe some of those closings could be delayed openings.
    Get ready for the next winter storm coming up tonight. And it's only January!

  22. When was it tried 3:32? I do not recall Norwalk having a March vacation week ever. Up until about 6 years ago, the CMT test was in the fall.

    To me, I think it makes sense to have a March break--no Feb break--have a 3 or 4 days weekend to give kids a break from the test prep--but a week off--not needed. Espcially since most kids in Norwalk DO NOT GO AWAY ON A VACATION

  23. It snows almost every February break so realize we'd probably have more snow days if we have school that week, it probably wouldn't help much. My question is WHY do we start school on a Wednesday in the beginning of the year? We should at least start the Monday before labor day and the years when labor day is so late in September as it was this year we should even start the week before, if we start the last week in August we would be ahead of the game. If there aren't many snow days let them let us off a few days early in June rather than adding days in!

  24. I wanted to be nice but I have very little sympathy for the parent who is dipping into her vacation fund or for that matter the parent who has the flexibility to work at home when necessary. Many Norwalk parents are hourly employees - if they don't go to work, they don't get paid, they don't have vacation time and sick time. They do have to hope that their employer is sympathic and doesn't put them probation or dismiss them.

    But the real issue here is making sure that the kids have quality educationally sound make up days.

    And to those who have not cleared your sidewalks for the kids to walk on - please do.

  25. To 6:00pm and those people who feel that a teacher's job is "gravy",

    You are cordially invited to come into my classroom for the week to do my job. Better yet, try to make it through one day teaching. Five to six hour work days? Right. Try getting there at least an hour before the kids get there, staying late, not to mention the amount of paperwork a teacher takes home to correct, data to analyze, reports to write up, and lesson plans to create. Plus weekends! Yes, weekends are also spent returning emails to parents, updating the classroom website, writing plans for the upcoming week, researching the next field trip, and locating materials at different levels so that all students can learn.

    Yes, many Norwalk teachers make over $60k. However, we also provide our students with school supplies, books, snacks...sometimes even clothing, shoes, and food for the weekend.

    A 10 month job? Nope, wrong again. We plan for the upcoming year during the summer, attend workshops to stay up-to-date on the latest educational advances and ideals, and spend sweltering hours in the classroom to get ready for our new class.

    Am I complaining? Absolutely not. I knew what I was getting into when I signed my contract. However, please do not attack my profession because you think you know what it's like to be a teacher. We are here for your children, trying to give them the best education possible. We don't go attack your job, and pretend to understand what it is that you do everyday. Please don't attack us. If you have questions, ask. Hear the truth. Don't assume. Like we teach our students every day, keep an open mind to all possibilities and be tolerant of one another. If we work together, we can absolutely come up with a solution.

    It's all for the kids. Remember that.

  26. Well said 4:57! Let's also not forget that the higher the salary of our teachers the higher the credentials - if we demand masters level or above from our teachers we have to understand they will and should then be compensated for those credentials. There have been nasty comments questioning our teacher credentials but Norwalk (and the state of ct) requires a master's degree or above from all of our teachers. Respect the level of education required which is more than most professions that pay much more money yet require only a bachelor's degree.

  27. Let's face it. Moina's site is the safe-haven for teacher-bashing. But god forbid a teacher says something even slightly critical of a parent's comment on here, it is open season. The credo here for teachers is put up and shut up, but parents can say anything they want to say carte blanche. Moina does NPS a disservice, not a service.

  28. 4:57 You are absolutely right! Teachers do not work 6 hour days and 10 months per year. They work evenings, early mornings and during vacations without compensation. Good teachers are constantly thinking about what they do and what they need to do to help their students!
    Teachers do it because they care about their students. It is easy for those who have never been in a classroom to make comments about how easy it is to be a teacher. It is not easy, and gets harder every year with the demands of NCLB and doing more with less.
    Again teachers do it because they care. Those that make comments without knowledge of what being in a classroom is all about should try it before they open their mouths!

  29. I am not a teacher and do not believe in "teacher bashing". There are fantastic teachers in Norwalk and not so great ones.

    Only the ignorant blogger would suggest that a teacher's job is easy or question the academic credentials that are required of teachers.

    Rest assured, very few of us can say "anything carte blanche" to our clients in whatever field that might be.

    This blog serves as means in which people who care about education can discuss concerns and issue without fear of recourse. And yes, some of us fear recourse may be directed at our children by the not so good teachers and administrators. Every business or organization usually has excellent, OK, and not so good employees.

    Please develop a thicker skin and realize that this forum is one of the only places that parents can discuss problems and share ideas.
    Ideas should not filtered - kind of like banning books from a library.

    I would hardly call this a teacher bashing site. I thank Moina for creating this forum. I don't always agree with her or the other bloggers but that is OK. I also think it is pretty wonderful that people want to discuss educational issues in their spare time. Doubt anyone would want to discuss my profession....

  30. I agree. Most of the teachers and administrators in Norwalk do a good job and care about kids. The problem is that people get frustrated because problem staff members are allowed to continue to work with our children. This blog is the only forum that feels safe to express their concerns.

  31. I don't think there's too much teacher-bashing on here. And teacher salaries would have to rise into the six figures before I'd ever consider it as a career, even with the summers and school holidays.

    My son's preschool requires parents to work in the classrooms five times in the fall and six in the spring. After three hours spent with fifteen kids (and a real teacher and assistant teacher in the room, too) I'm ready for some aspirin and a pitcher of margaritas. I love my kids - and kids in general - but I can't imagine spending six hours a day in a classroom full of them and then having to do lesson plans and all the boring reports and parent followup on top of that.

    There are great teachers and teachers just coasting along, but by and large I'm grateful that they want to do the work they do, because I sure don't!

    As far as the topic at hand is concerned, I'd be happy to give up the April break this year and the February break in years to come. I grew up in Texas, and we had one single week's vacation in the spring semester, not two.

  32. I, too, grew up in a state other than CT and we only had one spring break. Winter break seemed overkill. I think it should be eliminated, and snow days built in, period. Then, if there's no snow, it's a bonus. And for the record, to the teachers of my kids, you are awesome. Dealing with the kids who don't care and the parents that teach that model must be awful to deal with. But you are awesome.

  33. I think we should make up 3 days-Wed-Fri in February and any others in April. With all the CMT prep teachers are doing that would help prepare the kids a little better. By June all the testing is long done and although the kids are learning it's not going to show up as well on this year's test.

  34. I agree 5:19--is anyone listening? ot many kids or teachers are going away in Feb.....can this info be forwarded to Dr. Marks?

  35. HAs any one heard anything about when these days will be made up? More days may be coming this week as bad weather lurks over us again.......

  36. All make-ups in June thus far. If you refer to NPS calendar there are 8 days for make ups marked MU next to each number. Have had 5 so far with another storm predicted this week. Still have to make it through Feb and March too. The late June days are a waste, too hot and lack of focus for students. Maybe the days should be spread out...some in Feb some in April and some in June. If any changes are in the works they need to be revealed now as it is almost February. Not a pretty picture....

  37. I agree--why can't they take 3 days from Feb and then play it be ear if they need to take a few days from April? This week there may be 2 snow days the way the weather is shapping up .... Dr. Marks needs to not worry about what people want and do what is best for our kids. They have missed too much school now and do not need a week off in Feb. Most parents that I have spoken to agree with that.

  38. Dr. Marks needs to make a decision about this before the week is out or it will be too late to give people enough notice. Personally, I agree taking days away from Feb. is a good idea.

  39. This weeks forecast sounds like we may end up with one or two more weather related closings! Dr. Marks needs to address this NOW before it is too late. Spreading the make ups out sounds sensible. The students need to be in school now, as they have lost so much time in January.
    What a winter this is.

  40. I agree--I know many people willnot be happy, but for the benefit of the children--yes--i am putting kids before unions and egos--get rid of february vaation--the kids have had too many days off--they do not need a week on top of it. our children come first. but we should know soon as we can plan. as a working parent, i am for no school break in feb...i will be working so my kids will be with family.

  41. KILL FEB VACATION!!! WE DON'T NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Moina, as another day has now been called, can you create a new blog--would love to see what people think now......Are there any updates as to what could happen for Norwalk? Monroe cancelled their Feb break yesterday--I wish Norwalk would be more proactive--we need to be for our kids' education. I am very concerned. What are you hearing? Noone is saying much. THIS HAS BECOME VERY SERIOUS for the learning of our kids. Has the board said anthing? Would love to see if they are really parents not politicians--parents know that their kids do not need a Feb break now,....

  43. Why is today a snow day when Greenwich and Stamford have early dismissal? Westport has a regular day. It seems to me the kids need to be in school and it should have been an early dismissal for today. Now it will be 2 more days added to the school year for this week.
    Dr. Marks please make the decision to cancel Feb. vacation before it's too late!!!!

  44. Darien also has an early dismissal today. Honestly thought Norwalk would have as well when no call was until 5:45.

    Dr. Marks has to be tough and do what is best for our kids.

  45. I feel like Norwalk is not being proactive at this point with how to deal with these snow days.....with 2 more storms on the way in the next 7 days, we need some leadership now. Do not make a decision based on what unions have had in the past and what seems poticially correct....we need a leader who will make decisions for our kids based on need---THESE KIDS NEED SCHOOL NOW. Cancel both break...make long weekends out of both and be done with it. Most kids are not going anywhere so they will benefit getting ready for their it CMT, CAP, or AP exams.

    I am curious what Steve C. thinks being a parent on the school board-please let us know.

  46. Visit the Norwalk Public Schools website for a poll on when to make the days up:

