
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hamilton Resigns

A version of this story appears on

Susan Hamilton announced her resignation from Norwalk's Board of Education at Tuesday's meeting because she is moving to Westport in early June. Hamilton, a Democrat from District A, is stepping down after seven-and-a-half years on the board.

Hamilton is the second Board of Education member to resign in two weeks. At the last school board meeting, Erin Halsey resigned to become city clerk. Artie Kassimis was selected by the Republican Town Committee to complete Halsey's term. He attended his first meeting Tuesday.

During her tenure, Hamilton has worked with four superintendents — Salvatore Corda, Interim Superintendent William Papallo, Interim Superintendent Michael Nast and current Superintendent Susan Marks. Hamilton sat on the board's policy and curriculum committees. She was also the board's representative to Cooperative Educations Services, a Fairfield County educational resource center based in Trumbull.

Last year, Hamilton led the site visit to Montgomery County, Md., to observe Marks, who was then a candidate for superintendent of Norwalk schools. Hamilton considers her work in the hiring of Marks as a "highlight" of her tenure. She also "loved getting into the schools and talking to kids."

Hamilton, a retired special education teacher whose own children went through the city's public schools, plans to be involved in Norwalk schools in the future. "I want to sub in Norwalk." And she will continue to mentor four children and one teacher from the Norwalk schools. has reached out to Democratic Town Committee Chairman Marc Bradley to find out plans for replacing Hamilton. Check back for more information on this story.


  1. This is a good thing -- Hamilton didn't add much to the board. She is lacking in intellect, ideas, or leadership.

  2. Susan Hamilton was a very dedicated public servant. She ardently believed in a particular vision for what service should entail as a member of the Board of Education.
    Although she and I had a difference of opinion about what role a Board of Education member should have in certain types of decisions, I have the utmost of respect for her honesty, admire her ability to work cooperatively with all of her peers and deeply appreciate her service to our students and parents.
    She deserves our appreciation, not the annonymous barbs that have been posted above.

  3. Steve I am sure that Ms. Hamilton is a wonderful person with all the best intentions, however after seven and a half years one would think that she would have a list of accomplishments/initiatives that she could point to. The fact she cannot clearly articulate what she has done is problematic in and of itself.

    The BOE should not just be a rubber stamp for the Superintendent in power, which it seems what Hamilton perceived her role to be.

    Board members need to be more involved than that.

    Finally there is nothing wrong with anonymous comments. There are many legitimate reasons why someone would like to remain anonymous. If there is a complaint to be made its that posters 1 and 2 did not back up their comments with specifics.

    However given that none of the BOE members ever take a stand on anything it's not surprising that even her detractors can point to anything except the fact that she was a warm body who simply went through the motions of raising her hand to vote yes or know.

  4. OK folks here is the real question. Who does the DTC replace Hamilton with? I think it would be a shame for them to pick Rosa Murray or some other BOE lifer. I know that everyone was shocked when there were no African Americans on the BOE after the last election but the last thing we need is a blast from the past. We need fresh new ideas for a new century.

  5. Here's a thought: the DTC pick Moina for Hamilton's empty seat.

    She's educated, articulate and would add diversity to the BOE. From her bio here it seems like she's gone through Norwalk schools and has kids in the system.

  6. What a terrific idea. I second her nomination!!!

  7. Steve is right. Remember what we used to be taught----If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. This old fashioned lesson should certainly hold true for those who serve in public office.

  8. Like I said....two down

  9. I'll give Ms. Hamilton a lot of credit. She went through the major upheaval with Dr. Corda, dealt with the CALI report that determined the District was doing poorly, and weathered the storms with the budget through the worst economic times the nation has seen in decades. That doesn't even begin to cover all the nastiness and grief people give the Board members.

    A lot of people would have simply walked away from the position when it was time for the election. She didn't.

    And by the way, 2:24 p.m., I agree with you that it would be a shame if the DTC put Ms. Murray back on the Board. It's time for new blood. Moina would be a good choice, and I think Dr. Ruby Shaw would also be another good choice. I could also see Rovitta Paul, the head of the Children's Playhouse doing a fabulous job and also representing the Early Childhood Education providers. Mary Budowich would also be another strong candidate, so there are lots of good choices. Bruce Kimmel just came to mind, also. I have absolutely no idea of what any of their political affiliations might be, and quite truthfully, I don't really think it should matter. The important point is that they know about education and would bring new ideas forward.

  10. What about Dianne Witkowsky? She is very involved in the community without being a politician.
    Plus she doesn't represent the failed and rejected practices of those glorious Rosa Murray Years

  11. To the Democrats of Norwalk-
    Learn from the mistakes of the past-- if we wanted Rosa Murray on the BOE, we would have voted for her two years ago. Instead, we rejected her and her allies.
    If you pick her, you will be collectively saying to us (citizens, taxpayers, parents, etc.) that you think that old ways are worth repeating. Good luck selling that in November.

  12. To the Democrats of Norwalk - please do not put Rosa Murray back on the Board of Ed. She was given a resounding vote of no confidence at the last elections by getting the lowest amount of votes. In other words, the voters of norwalk gave her the boot! If you put her back on you are basically saying that you don't care about norwalk!

  13. Rosa had her chance and her constituents either didn't get out to vote or didn't vote for her. After not being re-elected she complained about the lack of diversity on the BOE so she obviously didn't campaign too well to get the support the needed. Next,,,

  14. Well... Shirley Mosbey is someone who would definitely not be a rubber stamper. Aside from that, she would add a strong voice in representing "minorities." Regardless of how people may feel about her strong personality, she cared about the kids.

  15. Shirley, like Rosa, was REJECTED by the voters.
    Come on, Dems-- District A is a huge district. You're telling me that there isn't one really active parent at the Tracey PTO who wouldn't be a good fit?

  16. Know who would be great on the BOE?
    Great young guy with spectacular community involvement.

  17. 1:14 PM - Good thought. I asked him his thoughts on this a couple of days ago when I ran into him. He's smart, cooperative, but not a push over. He seems to have great leadership skills.

    6:38 AM - Shirley Mosby is her own woman. Because she cooperated w/ the team she was given, she was lumped into Rosa status. Everyone has faults, but I think Shirley has something significant to offer.

  18. I'm for Shirley too.

  19. Shirley just was appointed or elected to another position with another educational organization. I don't remember which one because I heard it in a passing conversation. My suggestion is to leave Shirley where she is, because then there will be greater cooperation and understanding between the BOE and the group she's now part of.

    Erik Anderson was just appointed to either the Human Relations or Fair Rent Commission. I think he's got a lot to offer there.

    One of the big issues that I've heard repeated time and again from Migdalia, Shirley and Rosa is that currently, other than Migdalia, there are no people of "color" on the Board. That seems to be their major concern. Personally, that's not my style, but that seems to be their major objection. I hope whoever is chosen by the DTC, it's because the person is qualified and for any other reason.

  20. Shirley appeared alongside Tonya McDowell and her team in their attacks of the Norwalk Public Schools.
    If she wants to support theft of our school services by Bridgeport residents, Shirley should run for the board of education there.

  21. Norwalk's voters spoke loud and clear when Shirley Mosby was voted off the board. I am disgusted by the 3:30 post that she was part of the Tonya McDowell fiasco.

    Would she support the rest of the Bridgeport families with children in our schools?

  22. Shirley is a strong leader - she speaks on behalf of the children and she tells it like it is - which not many can handle. She may have a strong personality but she works with well intentions. We need strong advocators in the system - I would vote for her if she ran again.

  23. Many of the names mentioned in the various comments do not live in District A; thus, they are not eligible to be appointed to replace Susan Hamilton.

  24. Okay... back to Eric Anderson. What is his experience with schools, in general? Is education a priority for him? As far as I can see,this is the very with politics. Why is it that parties will put forward names of people who swab the decks regardless of whether or not they might benefit the city in that specific capacity? No offense to Eric, but I've never heard his name associated with anything to do with schools, kids, or policy. You might want to round out the picture other than the fact that he worked on Anna Duleep's campaign. Thank you.

  25. oops... that was a fast send off. The above post should say "this is the very PROBLEM with politics."

  26. Just a comment about Ms. Mosby supporting Ms. McDowell in her "case" - truthfully, I would run far and fast away from that whole situation.

    First of all, it wasn't the BOE or the City that set the whole thing off. It was the Norwalk Housing Authority. It's a Federal issue because of the HUD money that supports the housing projects and by registering that child at that address, Ms. McDowell violated the lease for the woman who lived there. It's become a cause celebrate to portray it as kicking the child out of school, but in all honesty, that's a secondary issue.

    Secondly, Ms. McDowell stated that she was strip searched by the police. NPD immediately produced the video tape of the pat down, which proved that the accusation was false. However, she is persisting in this claim.

    Thirdly, she fired her NAACP lawyer when he agreed with the NPD about the pat down not being a strip search. Then she re-hired him.

    Ms. Mosby is free to associate with whomever she pleases, but this woman has a LOT of problems. This woman is all about herself and her actions show that she'll take down anyone that gets in her way, or she no longer finds useful. Her actions speak much louder than her words.

  27. Please, leave Ms. Mosby out of this blogg...focus on the task in hand. You would not like some one attacking or bashing your name on this blog or any other. Thank you.

  28. Someone had asked: "What about Dianne Witkowsky? "
    From what I know of her, she is super involved in Norwalk. Plus, no baggage.
    Why isn't she being considered by the Dems????

  29. There are citizens out there who work on behalf of children on a daily basis just because it is the right thing to do. They are not doing it to position themselves or to be liked or considered to run for an office. They would work on behalf of children in office or not. These are the people the Dems should be tapping. Forget games. See through the political posturing in either party. Kick out cronyism. Kids first!

  30. Whoever you are 8:15pm, you are so very right. The cronyism has to stop.

  31. There is a bigger problem here. The BOE member NOW resides in Westport. Rep. Duff knows this. Since when do we allow a Westport resident to sit on the Board? Let's get the replacement in BEFORE the next meeting.

  32. kick out cronyism.

  33. word is Rosa Murray is replacing Susan Hamilton....Go Rosa, I hope you get back in.

