
Friday, February 26, 2010

PTO Council Letter Asks for Transparency & Collaboration on Budget

This is letter from the PTO Council to the Board of Education and BET Chairman.

Dear - Central Office / BOE & BOE Finance Committee / BET Chairman,

As you prepare to discuss and decrease the educational budget by millions of dollars, frustration is rising among parents, teachers and other school employees. Cuts of this magnitude will be difficult to implement without a significant impact on our children. It's time to begin working together in new ways. We need to articulate the value of the public schools in ways that the public can understand.

Now, more than ever, the school system must be more forthcoming than in past years with detailed information to help the public understand the budget. This should be a collaborative effort.  It is unacceptable, unjust, and irresponsible to have schools pinned against each other and parents fighting at the last minute. This particular cycle cannot continue. Parents can not advocate for the system if they do not know what they are fighting for - last minute announcements are no longer acceptable.  We understand that the dramatic downturn in the economy will force a reduction in the amount of funds available to school, but transparency is key for the community to fully understand the resources and measures that will be cut to decrease the budget.

In the spirit of working together, we are asking the following:
- Based on the outcome of the Common council meeting, what are the next steps in re-evaluating the budget? 
- How is information being shared or channeled to parents?
- What options are being reviewed?
- Parent Forum
The effects of this revised budget must be known and parents should be part of the decision making process throughout the revision. We are recommending a parent forum to educate parents on the budget before the Board of Estimate & Taxation meeting on March 24th. This forum should explain the budget, line by line. It is important that the community understand the flexible vs. the contractually obligated portions of the budget.

We look forward to working with you on this very important initiative.

The PTO Council

PTO Council of Norwalk

This post reflects the views of the author and not of NorwalkNet. 


  1. It's not that parents should not have a say in the budget, but let's face it, parents are out to protect their own child's interest. This could turn out to be a three ring circus.

  2. Last year, the BOE budget was more than 60% of the ENTIRE budget for the City of Norwalk. I understand education is a priority, but the proposed increase will be draining the property owners financially dry.

    I also can't believe that there are calls for "transparency". After hearing this call repeated over and over again in Council and other venues, I've come to believe that there is no such thing as "total transparency". It's a bogus charge because someone can always say "That wasn't 'transparent.' simply because they disagree. The budget reconcilation hearings are posted and held in open forums, the residents are given a chance to speak. The Board are people that were elected by their constituents to make the final decisions.

    People keep claiming they have NO VOICE in the process, which I find amusing since I've certainly heard them claim this and also heard their views on various issues. There is absolutely nothing to stop a parent from picking up a phone and contacting his or her Board representative. There is nothing stopping any parent from discussing the issues with people who know and understand how the process works. Questions are asked all the time and answers are provided, so the idea of the parents being muzzled or silenced is a bit worn thin.

    These are financially difficult times. Nobody likes saying "No, you can't have new textbooks, or classroom furniture, or this or that." But funds are limited. People only earn so much and can only pay so much in taxes. It's time to take a breath and say "How can we work together to get through this?" rather than "I want MY voice to be heard." (Trans. I want what I want when I want it...)

    The party's over, Norwalk. Time to mop up and get on with life.

  3. pto council your letter is well done and good job. parents do have a voice and should be part of the financial decisions and cuts. at least you are not using a machete to go after a school, a position, central office. your approach is far more professional and to the point than the bloggers who hide behind the scenes and berate one another because they are angry and have an ax to grind. Your ax is real--about education and making prudent choices.
    the bottom line however is that programs may ahve to be cut, we may all have to give more, and the unions need to think long and hard about what they can do. They have to stop plotting and work with the district. This is a time to work together and not against.
    At least you are not attacking administrators, and you want to do the right thing!
    way to to...pto...

  4. This is an excellent letter, a request to be included in the budget process as an informed constituency with hopes of creating a sustainable, civil dialog between all interested parties. Good work PTOC!

