
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Norwalk Schools Remain Closed Friday

Norwalk schools will be closed on Friday (March 19) for the fifth consecutive day in a row. Officials said that there were still many power lines down and trees blocking roads making it unsafe for walking students and school buses.

Throughout the week State Senator Bob Duff who represents Norwalk has been up dating his Facebook page with updates on CL&P's efforts to restore power and the status of Norwalk's schools.

In the comments section of his page several Norwalk residents have commended Sen. Duff for his conscientious efforts in keeping constituents informed.

At the same time there have been grumblings as to why it takes NPS so long to decide whether schools will be open or closed. Tonight, for example the cancellation call came in at 8pm, yesterday it was 6pm.

You can check out Bob's Facebook page. You might even want to "friend" him.


  1. Bob Duff's Facebook page status updates have been a godsend regarding the probability of school cancellation due to the storm. I think Norwalk Public Schools needs to break out of the black and white/all or nothing thinking. Bob did the reasonable thing and just posted a few, concise lines about the situation and let us know the deadline when the determination would be made for probable cancellations. Why couldn't that be done on the NPS website as well? All we want is to be informed. NPS acts like we need only to hear things that are set in stone. I've got news for them: We parents are reasonable people, and so are we teachers. Some news....even tentative news or an update on what is being better than none! That is why we have been harranguing you up there at Central Office about the communication issue. Just speak to us. Would you do us that courtesy from up there in your ivory tower?

  2. In all fairness, earlier in the week school was being called by 3;30, although yesterday was 6 and today was 8.

    There are substantial amount of working components in action but the number 1 prority is safety, as it should be.

    Having an excuse to spend time with our kids?


    Enjoy the moment, it they grow up so fast.

    Far as communication, NPS as well as the Mayor, get an F triple minus, but this is news, to anyone?

    While everyone has a little time, while clean up is underway, check out the blueprint released by the United Sates Department of Education this week;

    Let the discussions begin.

  3. Elsewhere on this blog, there have been people expressing their fervent hope that the school days missed will be forgiven by the state board of education, suggesting that a sense of seriousness of purpose is lacking. Norwalk's board should be greatly ashamed if it even requests such forgiveness of the 180-day requirement because student outcomes in the district are far from where they need to be.

    If this were a business with a product to deliver by the end of June, people would be scrambling to get the work done because they would want to meet the demand of valued customers, even if it meant working in the heat. (And by the way, for all anyone knows, June may be a cool month this year.) I know that is an imperfect comparison, but I think the point is clear. It isn't enough for people need to believe that education is important; they have to make decisions that are consistent with that belief.

    There is a saying about a cat that wanted to eat fish, but that didn't want to gets its feet wet. Too many parents and educators are like that cat. They say they want something, but they are reluctant to do the uncomfortable things that are necessary in order to attain it.

    You mean the group that fought the new BOE members for weeks about setting up a Communications Cmte don't seem to be putting much pressure on central office to communicate better.
    I know I've been getting email blasts from Steve Colarossi with status updates. Because my son goes to Nathan Hale, I also get an email from that principal about no school even before it's posted on the school department website.
    Why isn't there better communication with the public-- why aren't we let in to know what the decision making process has been?

  5. Anon' 6.32am - question is why is Steve relating the information to the public. I'm glad he is in your school and provides full access in quick notification to you but as a board member he should be sending things out to everyone not just your school.

    As far as the communications group - give me a break! Another lost cause and senseless group.

  6. As a parent, I appreciate the frustration that many of my friends and fellow parents have been voicing to me over the past week. That's why I work on responding to the folks who email me asking me if I know if school has been cancelled-- I know how tough it is to wait for an official word when we are all trying to plan babysitting, days-off and activities for our kids.
    I do think that we can do a better job-- but then again, in most things in life, there is always room for improvement. The public certainly deserves to know how diligent Supt. Nast has been in soliciting the input from the Public Works Department, bus company, CLP crews and public safety officials before making the call to cancel school. And, I think we have clearly needed to do a better job explaining that there are significant hot spots which could present a real danger for the children who walk to school.

  7. AMBER ALERT Hispanic girl 5 yrs old, pink t shirt brown skirt, last seen in the area bounding cross, new canaan, rte 7 and main. Pass the word lets find this girl. Last seen an hour ago. Time now 1605 March 19.

  8. Amber cancelled child found time now 1616 march 19

  9. to Steve: If you have the info to pass on to your contacts at Naramake, why can't this same info be immediately disseminated to all of NPS? I am glad it was decided to cancel the PD and have school next Friday, March 26!! But who decided and is it definite???

  10. all the criticism on central office and mike nast. first of all he is doing the best job he can. he has not made any hasty decisions without consulting all who need to be consulted. the boe should stand behind him and stop criticizing him. central office does not have a pr dept, and all is being done to get the word out, and let's focus on education not negative comments because someone got the message out faster than others.
    nathan hale nice he got it out, but it had been out already.
    steve...won't you join the team--think you might be on the wrong field with the wrong team?

  11. Anonymous 7:45-- are you serious?
    Steve fights to get us complete info. and you're critical. He explains to us his why he feels the way he does about the issues and you blast him. He praises Nast for being "diligent" and you say Steve is "critical".
    What point are you trying to make about Steve being the "wrong field with the wrong team"? He's been fighting for our kids since before he was elected. That's the right team for me.

  12. First, thank you, 7:20 pm.
    Second, 7:56 am, I don't see how you can construe praising the interim superintendent as being "diligent" as being critical of his efforts. We are truly fortunate to have Mike Nast leading us through these trying times.
    Third, in order for all of us to work together to improve education in Norwalk we need to examine all we do-- including how decisions are made and how they are communicated with parents. I think Supt. Nast made the right call each of the days that school was cancelled-- but I do think that we could have shared more information with the public about the complexity of each day's decision and the time it would take to reach it.
    Fundamentally, it is important to communicate with the public. Open communications are vital in restoring faith in our city's educational system. I think open communications need to include, when possible, not merely information about decisions but the process used to reach those decisions.

