
Sunday, March 14, 2010

President Obama Overhauls NCLB

During his weekly Internet address, President Obama outlined his plan to overhaul No Child Left Behind.

The Administration intends to submit its plans to Congress today (March 15) You can read the 41-page blueprint here.


  1. Wow, Moina, you are no joke in getting pertinent information to us in a timely manner.
    This has to be time-consuming. Do you have a P.O. Box? I don't do pay-pal, etc. and would like to reward you for your efforts.

  2. Thank you so much. Any contribution would be appreciated. You can send it to Moina Noor, 43 William St. Norwalk, CT 06851.

  3. Yes we have the big guy in our corner, and he and Duncan and their staff will and are doing what they can from D.C.

    That is, so, refreshing and encouraging but we wont make progress unless all of us pay attention, get involved and understand our system, will always fail us, until we realise, we are the system.

    Stay tuned, stay informed. If you cant attend every board meeting, broadcasts are looped on Ch 78. and can also be found on vimeo.

    For accurate, timely information, has clearly established a respected presence.


    The discussion of educational reform has begun on the floor of our United States Congress.

  5. Thanks, Moina, for getting this national info out to the Norwalk community.

    Yesterday, my son and I went up to Hartford to take part in the big education rally organized by ConnCAN and Campaign LEARN and also stayed for several hours of public testimony on the various education reform bills before the General Assembly's Education Committee. There were several 100 kids, parents and teachers there. At one point they paraded through the hearing room. It was amazing!

    There are several important bills being considered in this legislative session that would provide structural supports for education reform across the state, especially strategies for tackling the achievement gap. The CT Mirror ( and Hartford Courant both ran articles about the bills and some of the officials that testified.

  6. Does anyone know where we are with race to the top? Does anyone know the reason Norwalk did not make the cut?

    Thank you in advance.

  7. 6:47: CT only filled out part of the application at this time.

  8. Since everyone is preoccupied with the storm recovery, the budget and still searching for the right candidate for our superintendent that will take the reins and lead us into education beta here is the latest on RTTT;

    Norwalk got in the race literally by its nose. literally by hours.

    Took some heavy pushing, which is an issue all in itself.

    Dadonna and Former interim Super Papallo, signed and agreement, with the state, to be a non binding participant, supposedly so if resources were not available and Norwalk couldn't compete and was forced to withdraw, the state wouldn't get penalized.

    Kudos are rightly deserved to the board members that understood the coming structure changes and pushed administrators to put us in the running.

    What happened?

    Look to Hartford.

    McQuillan and the State Board of education failed to complete the application, to the feds and, submitted what they had.

    This week there are no less than 3 bills submitted to our legislators in Hartford to allow for CT's eligibility to participate in the substantial pot of cash, aka Race To The Top

    These bills, which can be found @, if we can get them through will position the state to be eligible for additional fed resources under the second heat of RTTT.

    The applications are due June 1st for the second heat for RTTT.
    The legislators only have a very short window to get this done.

    Will they.

    Heck yes they will, if constituents demand them too.

    Will there be enough consensus among the constituents to apply the needed persuasion?

    Tick tock, tick tock.

    The unions have already dug there foxholes and are cocked and ready to rock.

    We have to remove the profit catalyst in government.

    Surely need an amendment to our national constitution.

    Until we remove the greed from politics we are not going to get anything done.

    Not medical access, not equitable access to knowledge, not relief from petroleum dependence. Not a fair shake at that dream that the world knows us by.

    Nothing, but wars.

    What have we accomplished in the last 3 - 4 decades?


    Why has the revolution of awareness, fell into a deep state of repose?

    Some say its because everyone has been condition to stare and believe everything on the networks and have been anesthetized by programs like drug dealing teachers and americas dumbest citizens, dancing with has beens.

    Bottom line, those with the power and the money, WANT and will go to extreme lengths to keep you uninformed and preoccupied by julia childs repeats.

    If you care, about what is going on, what we are leaving behind for our children, get involved, now.

    Push Hartford to get these bills passed, pronto.

    It does take a village, from one seed, blossoms a great tree, of knowledge.

