
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Finance Committee Meeting Tonight

 You have one last chance to weigh in on the budget.  The Finance Committee will be reviewing the 2010-11 budget tonight at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall A-330. At Tuesday night's Board of Education meeting, interim Superintendent Nast proposed cuts totaling $4.8 million, just shy of the $5 million cut required by the Board of Estimation and Taxation.  Nast has said that his goal is to not cut programs or staff in this budget.

 "We will review all the line items," says Finance Chair Steve Colarossi.  "We will assess the impact of the proposed cuts.  The public will be able to ask questions."  In addition to Colarossi, Nast and Chief Financial Officer Dan Cook will be on hand to answer questions. Colarossi says that the committee will also discuss where to find the remaining funds to close the gaps and fully reconcile the budget. The Board is planning to vote on its final budget next week at a special meeting on June 8.


  1. A 5m cut with no staff or program reductions? That indicates a lot of waste is hiding. I voted Republican to get this out of control spending under control. You could easily cut much more. Central office is too top heavy. You don't need an assistant principal in every building. Most people I talk to all comment how the principals sit on their computers all day and have their assistant's do all the work. Lets start making some real cuts. Make all central office staff reapply for their jobs. You guys need to stop squeezing the tax payers.

  2. I was not able to make last night's session due to a prior commitment. Is there any report/summary of what happened?

  3. "Make all central office staff reapply for their jobs.You guys need to stop squeezing the tax payers."

    Some people in central office are tax payers too.

  4. Well, no surprise. Now it's all central office that has to go. So, 10:51, how many central office positions can you name and who holds those positions? But even more importantly, in what specific ways are they not doing their jobs? Why have them reapply for their positions, why not just send them straight to the food banks with their families....
    Get real!

  5. The two high school positions could be saved if the Director of Elementary Education also took on the Title I grants position that is still vacant. This is the perfect combination of jobs, since Title I is only for the elementary schools anyway. She already has done the job. It's the most sensible thing to do if you want to save two jobs in the schools.

