
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's Summertime

School's out for the summer. My kids are sleeping in and I don't have to make lunch in the morning every day.

Looking back on the year I want to write a post recaping all of the developments. In fact July 6, is the 1 year anniversary of this blog. However I'm going to take a few days off and enjoy the Holiday weekend.

BTW Susan Marks' first official day on the job is tomorrow. Welcome Dr. Marks.


  1. Yes. Welcome, Susan.

    Welcome to our nightmare and the challenge of your life.

  2. Congratulations on your first anniversary, Moira! You have been doing a great job with this blog and your education section at The Daily Norwalk! Thank you! Welcome Dr. Marks! I am looking forward to seeing you move Norwalk's education system in the right direction!

  3. Happy Early Anniversary, Moina.
    You are providing a critical service to the community and our students by reporting and analyzing the goings-on in our schools.
    As a dad of two Norwalk public school students, I greatly appreciate your efforts.

  4. Moina, I'll add to the celebration... Happy Anniversary to you and your fabulous blog! I'd like to add that I check for new updated news everyday regarding our schools. It is a Godsend to get factual information rather than rely on tidbits of fabrication and rumor. To your credit, you've managed to build a following here based on credibililty and tone. I notice you allow your posters to vent without judgment, and you keep yourself apolitical and open-minded in your own views. I'm sure you agree that within the many responses there is some element of truth which is borne of opinion, no matter how refutable it may be. Bring it on! In contrast, is now overrun with the sort of negativism that simply is not helpful. Since you set the bar high, the Negative Nellies on NorwalkNet are actually rather endearing and help us see all points of view. Congratulations, Moina!

  5. First a tip of the hat to Monia.

    Nice work. There are no medals or plaques so justly earned but we know and you know, you ARE making a difference, Monia.

    Congrats on the milestone.

    Some year huh?

    Now with that, we shall pull a quote from out going Minneapolis MN. Supetindendent Bill Green.

    When asked by Minnesota Public Radio what Mr. Green had learned during his tenure, Mr. Green responded;

    "the traditional expectation—that the student adapts to the school—needs to give way now to a new assumption that it is the job of school to adapt to the student(s)."

  6. Moina,

    Thank you, thank you! As an involved parent, sometimes too involved according to the girls, your blog has brought me so much information and insight. So glad you have you as my neighbor, friend and source of all that is NPS, good, bad and just regular info.

    Happy Summer!

