
Monday, November 23, 2009

BOE Finance Commitee Gets Briefed on Stimulus Funding and Questions Legal Fees

Updated with background documents.  See below.

Nearly 37% of Norwalk students receive free and reduced lunch according to information presented at the Board of Education’s Finance Committee meeting held Monday night.

Dr. Dan Cook, interim CFO for the district, told the committee that the central office had made a big push to sign up as many eligible households as possible before the state’s October 1 deadline. The figure is up 3 percentage points from last year.

The number of students receiving free and reduced lunches affects how much funding a school receives from the Federal Government under Title I of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

At the meeting the Finance Committee also instructed school officials to begin preparing the district’s 2010-2011 budget in anticipation of severe financial constraints that will be imposed by the Board of Estimation and Taxation.

“The Superintendent has advised us that the budget will need to be increased by 5.6%, but in reality we are hearing from the BET that they are expecting a zero increase budget,” said committee chair Steve Colarossi.

Dr. Cook told the committee that Dr. Papallo had asked principals and department heads for input and suggestions for cost savings. He said about 12 principals had responded in writing to the request although some had asked if they could add items. Dr. Cook said that additional meetings would be held before Christmas.

“People have to recognize that we are in an extraordinary year,” Dr. Cook told the committee. “In three years the situation can turn around and the economy can improve. Pensions will have recovered and so the city can step back in with the proper level of funding. We are stressing those points.”

Mr. Colarossi suggested that the central office prepare budget documents in more business-like format and exclude “factoids” that played-up the benefits of certain initiatives.

During Monday night’s meeting a new format for public participation was introduced. After each item on the agenda Mr. Colarossi invited parents and school officials who were in attendance an opportunity to make comments or ask questions.

Dr. Lynne Moore, principal of West Rocks Middle School, said that she disagreed with the budget process that the central office was putting together. “I would hate to come [to the BET] from a point of weakness where we are putting together our budget based on what’s stated in the newspaper. We should be advocating for what we need.”

Former BOE board member Richard Fuller who was also in attendance as part of the “Board Watchers” group agreed with Dr. Moore. “We need to get a true understanding of the cost of what is mandated,” he said. “As board members you have to have a clear understanding of what you have to do and what you can do. Board members are advocates first. You should have clear evidence of what the schools need.”

In addition to the budgeting process, the Finance Committee began a review of the District’s legal fees. According to documents presented by Dr. Cook $554,311 was spent on legal fees in the 2008-2009 school year although only $356,000 was budgeted – a overage nearly $190,000.

This year the BOE expects to spend $400,000 on legal fees, but has already spent $174,000 leaving $225,240 for the remainder of the year. Next year $500,000 is budgeted.

In questioning Dr. Cook, committee members focused on the fees being charged by the various law firm the BOE employs. Some law firms accounted for their time by referencing specific matters and lumping other charges in a “general” category.

Dr. Cook also told committee members that six central office administrators, the assistant Superintendent and the Superintendent were authorized to request legal information and incur legal fees. For more on the legal fees see The Hour's story.

Dr. Cook reported that the BOE has received nearly $2.1 million in grants from the Federal Government as part of the Obama Administration’s stimulus plan. The monies which are a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 were divided into three parts.

The first part of the funding which Dr. Cook described as a “book keeping item” is $1.4 million from the State of Connecticut Education Cost Sharing Grant. He explained that normally nearly $10 million inECS funds are sent directly to the City of Norwalk and allocated to the BOE. This year the state fell short of funding by 14% but was able to access Federal funds to make up the shortfall. Thus the BOE’s money is coming from two sources – a reduced amount from the city and the remainder from the state.

The second portion of ARRA money totaling nearly $1.1 dollars is part of the funding from the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). With these funds the BOE is hiring seven special education teachers, a psychologist, and four education aides. Many of these positions were specified in the CREC and Cambridge reports issues last year by outside consultants who evaluated Norwalk public schools

The funds will also be used to purchase a host of consultative and assessment services for teacher training and development. Instructional supplies and equipment will also be acquired with the funds.

The third portion of ARRA funds totaling $1.1 million are part of NCLB Title I funding. Half of this money is being spent by the Administration on items mandated by the Federal Government such as professional development. The other half is being allocated to 9 elementary schools in the district based on the number of students that qualify for free and reduced lunch. The majority of this money is being spent on salaries and benefits for aides and tutors and for instructional supplies.

Near the end of the night’s meeting a group of Norwalk parents who send their children to Rogers Middle School in Stamford asked the board to help fund a bus that would transport the children there.

According to parent Cathy Lesko, 37 Norwalk students attend the inter-district magnet school. Currently parents drive their children 40 minutes each way although some car pool.

Dr. Cook told the board that although the district is under no legal obligation to transport students to Rogers he would support the provision of a bus if it were revenue neutral. He said that the state would provide Norwalk with a grant of $1,300 per child per year. He said that a bus with an aide costs 77,000 but that 60 children would be needed to fill the bus.

The committee asked Dr. Cook to speak with school officials in neighboring towns to see if they were willing to put students from their town who attend Rogers on the bus.

Background docs:
click here for  Legal information, 2008-09 budget and expenditures, price structure of 2 major firms that are used
click here for Review of American Recovery Reinvestment Act -ARRA, 3 parts: ECS (Educational Cost Sharing), IDEA (Individuals with Disibilties Education Act) and Title I


  1. Everyone reading Monia's blog, please take a moment and hit the donate button.

    Monia is doing some invaluable work that has, really never been done before.

    Having an education reporter getting us the facts so we can make informed decisions on our children's education, people, cmon,

    let us give Monia a clear acknowledgement of the fine work she is doing.

    Monia is definitely filling huge voids in the abyss of deafening silence that was dividing us, specifically communication the lack thereof.

    Ok, we are beginning to communicate, some feathers are getting ruffled saddles changed but this is good, very very good for our children.

    Significant poor decision making was occurring in both appointed and elected positions.

    For what ever reason we could not get a switch thrown and broadcast meetings,

    Kudos to N.E.F. for making it happen.

    Board meetings are now online and eventually will be available cable.

    After half a dozen years of polite observations, requests, outright pleading to turn on the camera and mic's, already installed, we have a signal. YES !!!

    Now, all of us that have been involved must reach out and involve everyone. That is the challenge. That is the challenge we can and will ultimately and inevitably conquer.

    The education revolution is coming, and we are the patriots, lots of work, lets do this people.

    Lets get people in there that have the motivation, the spark, get the people we have trained and move this district out of the 1950's.

    We can and will do this.

    Our ship's keel is completed, everyone see it? Lots of work left but we do have a magnificent ship.

    She is a grand flagship.

    Great work Monia, - if we could, and we shall, lower those shark bites we can put that into the classroom where it belongs.

    We have a million that's, A MILLION PLUS US BUKEROOS we are handing, HANDING, to sharks in just a few dozen months.

    Go Steve, GO ! ! !

    You wont make a handful of colleagues appreciative but Steve we have over TEN THOUSAND KIDS that will love you.

    How many laptops, how much software could 1,000,000.00 dollars buy?


  2. Some questions have arisen here and on other sites that I would like to answer to help all of us understand the underlying issues and then work together to find a fiscally responsible solution that meets our students' educational needs.
    Given that last year’s appropriation exceeded the budget by $190,000, and that there appeared to be few, if any, controls over the process of who may retain outside legal counsel, I had reason to suspect that we needed to conduct a thorough investigation to determine an appropriate level of funding for outside legal services and craft definitive guidelines for when they may be utilized. The Finance Committee’s investigation into this matter is ongoing. Also, because a number of parents had complained to me that school district counsel was present during some PPT's, and that they felt that the inclusion of school district counsel did not enhance the PPT process, I also felt that there were educational reasons to review this matter as well.
    As many of you may recall, last night it was revealed that in addition to the superintendent and assistant superintendent, a multitude of other employees have the authority to call upon outside legal counsel and incur legal bills, that a large sub-account exists for general and miscallaneous matters and that there are no written guidelines on this practice. Given that these attorneys (from two different firms) are being used (based upon what we heard last night) to do everything from representing the school department in negotiations to reviewing IEP’s for individual students, it does appear that some controls are needed to hold these costs down. This is much the same issue that arose when an unfair labor practices action was commenced against the Norwalk Federation of Teachers this past fall and the attorney was paid to not only prosecute that matter but to also prepare and distribute a press release about it. At that time, there was significant public discussion if the hiring of an attorney to prepare and distribute a press release was an appropriate use of taxpayers’ money ( )
    The other issue that came to light is that our use of trained hearing officers in expulsion matters appears under the outside legal services budget. However, simply as a private citizen, I would think that these matters need to be treated separately because in expulsion hearings the school district must provide an impartial hearing which safeguards the students’ due process rights; the Board of Education or an impartial hearing officer can serve as the hearing officer. There are many valid reasons why a well-trained hearing officer, with familiarity in the law of procedure and evidence, can serve in that role with great efficiency. The hearing officers (who are attorneys) do not sit at the hearings as attorneys for the Board of Education, nor do they serve as the prosecutor. Rather, they are charged by law to impartially review the evidence and to then fashion an appropriate remedy (much like a judge would). These hearing officers/attorneys are only utilized to conduct the hearings—they are neither called upon nor paid to render legal advice to the school district. Although some have suggested that the school district needs to examine its policies regarding expulsion, we would still need to retain expulsion hearing officers for what would be the hopeful limited number of future expulsions.
    As we gather more information, it will be made available to the public (to the extent it is not confidential or privileged). I hope that my explanation above answers some of the questions that have arisen.
    [with apologies for my mirroring a post on another site in which I provided much the same information]

  3. Steve --

    Moina's original posting and your comment are both invaluable. I would wish that everyone on the BOE (present, past, and future) can learn from the transparency that you are demonstrating.

    As a parent I thank NorwalkNet for providing this forum.

  4. Steve,

    I am amazed to see that there is a board of education member who is revealing some of the thinking that goes on behind board decisions. This looks suspiciously like true transparency.

    Thanks for the fresh air.

  5. First of all: Thank you Moina for the excellent report; and thank you Steve for the update/clarifications.

    A few things struck me as I read today's Hour and this report:

    1. The fact that 37% of our students are eligible for free and reduced lunch (up 3% from last year)would have more meaning if compared to the overall number of students in the district who are eligible for free and reduced lunches. This latter percentage would indicate how well the district is doing in signing up eligible students; or, conversely, how much money we are losing by not signing them up.

    2. The 5.6% spending increase that the interim superintendent said would be needed in the operating budget seems to be hanging out there with no rhyme or reason. It has to be based on something; either enrollment, contracts or health insurance/pensions. If enrollment is relatively flat, and considering the recent agreement between the NFT and the BOE (which introduces Health Saving Accounts with their consequent savings), I find it difficult to figure where the 5.6% comes from. This should be spelled out every time it is mentioned. Hamiltion never fails to delineate the forces driving the city side of the budget.

    3. Bravo to the new meeting format. Some BOE committees in the past followed a policy that limited public participation in committee meetings to the last point on the agenda. Thus, folks would come to meetings around 7:30 and would have to sit two or three hours before being allowed to address agenda issues. This was not only inconsiderate, but insulting because it implicitly suggested that the public had nothing to say that could inform the actual committee discussion.

    4. I was sorry to see that former BOE members still hold to the "advocates first" view of responsibilities. This mindset effectively made the Board a cheer leading squad for more than one superintendent. Put another way: The role of Board members is to accept whatever is presented by this or that administrator as gospal and then to sell it to the public and other city agencies.

    5. Regarding legal fees: I would be curious to know what comparable districts are spending and what controls they have in place to monitor these expenditures. And regarding the PPTs: I've been to many of these meetings in NYC and never once was a lawyer present.

  6. Excuse the mistake in my #1 above: I meant to say: The fact that 37% of our students are signed up for free and reduced lunch would have more meaning if compared to the total number of students who are eligible.... The real issue, budget-wise, is what percent of our students are eligible but are not receiving ...

  7. I think there is a misundertanding about funding received from grants. Funding is not based on the number of students signed up for free and reduced lunches. The actual funding that comes to Norwalk is based on the census. Once the money is assigned to Norwalk, there is a formula that determines a minimum per pupil expenditure per school. This is when the number of students signed up for Free and Reduced lunches is important. The entitlement is divided up among the eligible schools according to the number of Free and Reduced lunch students in the school, K-5 . The eligible schools want as many students signed up for Free and Reduced lunches as possible, so that their per pupil dollar amount increases. For example, if a per pupil dollar amount is $42, then the school benefits if 76 students sign up instead of 20 students because 76 x $42 is more than 20 x $42. Of course the more students that sign up in the district as a whole, the lower the per pupil expenditure, since the total entitlement dollars do not change.

  8. Here is a reference that explains how the census is what counts towards the Title I funding:

    I hope this clears up the misunderstanding about how funding is determined for Norwalk.

  9. Steve,
    Which 9 elementary schools have been allocated funds?

  10. I am by no means an expert on the allocation of funds for the free and reduced lunch programs. However, I thought that the state and district grants were explicitly not based on the Census because the poverty data is not collected on a yearly basis. I believe there are also some problems disaggragating that data at the district level and below.

    I have been under the impression that each year's grants are based on the number of free and reduced lunches in a state/district during the previous fiscal year. Thus, if there are problems signing up students in a particular district, it would affect the grant amount for that district.

  11. I am a former grants person. You do not have to trust me. Call up the Title I office at the State Department of Education. The time spent on signing up students for free and reduced lunches will not increase the money allocated to Norwalk. Please call the SDE for your own edification.

  12. Curious about fundingNovember 26, 2009 at 6:25 AM

    'The third portion of ARRA funds totaling $1.1 million are part of NCLB Title I funding. Half of this money is being spent by the Administration on items mandated by the Federal Government such as professional development.'

    Could you also check on this statement. I would think 50% of the money held back by the adiministration is not the intention of the law behind NCLB and Title I. I thought the intention is to get more money directly to the schools.
    Also, in schools with a higher poverty level, are we allowed to hire teachers from this money?

  13. Sorry, but you'll have to ask a Board member about this. There are a set of guidelines that determine what can be done with Title 1 money. I believe, but am not sure, that teachers could be hired with the funds because it would have a direct impact on classrooms.

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